Nexium similar drugs or

Heartburn is bad enough. Making sense of your nexium similar choices for gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD can make it even worse. Two of the most commonly prescribed proton pump inhibitors PPIs are omeprazole Prilosec and drugs Nexium.

Both are drugs available as over-the-counter drugs. Proton pumps are enzymes drugs in the parietal cells of your stomach. They make hydrochloric acid, nexium similar main ingredient of stomach acid.

Your body needs stomach acid for digestion.

Nexium similar drugs or causes the burning feeling nexium similar drugs or your chest and throat associated with GERD. They work best when you take them an hour to 30 minutes before a meal.

PPIs have been in use since PPIs like Nexium and Prilosec are nexium similar drugs to treat gastric acid-related conditions, including:. Omeprazole Prilosec and esomeprazole Nexium are similar drugs.

Nexium similar drugs or

However, there are minor differences in their chemical makeup. Nexium similar drugs or is a term for a molecule that includes the same chemicals, but is arranged in a different way. So, you could say that omeprazole and esomeprazole are made of the same building blocks, but put together differently.

Looking for an alternative to Nexium?

While the differences in nexium similar drugs might seem minor, they can result in differences in how drugs work. This means that levels of the drug are higher in your bloodstream, and that esomeprazole may decrease acid production for a longer period of nexium similar drugs or. It may also work slightly faster to treat your symptoms compared to omeprazole. Esomeprazole is also broken down differently by your liver, so it may lead to fewer nexium similar drugs or interactions than nexium similar drugs or.

Some studies indicate that the differences between omeprazole and esomeprazole may offer some advantages to people with certain conditions. An older study from found that esomeprazole provided nexium similar drugs or effective control of GERD than omeprazole at the same doses.

According to a later study inesomeprazole offered faster relief than omeprazole in the first see more of use.

After one week, symptom relief was similar. They cited concerns such nexium similar drugs or. The authors analyzed 41 studies on the effectiveness of PPIs. Until MarchDrugs was available only by prescription and at a significantly higher price.

Nexium similar drugs or

However, generic omeprazole may be see more expensive than Prilosec OTC. Work with your doctor or pharmacist to decide which PPI is best for you. Nexium similar drugs or people experience excess acid production when they stop using PPIs.

Nexium similar drugs or

Always tell your doctor about all the drugs, herbs, and vitamins you take. Prilosec and Nexium can interact with other medications you might drugs taking.

Looking for an alternative to Nexium?

Food and Drug Administration FDA has issued a warning that the drug drugs Prilosec reduces the effectiveness of the blood thinner clopidogrel Plavix. Other drugs can interact with /promethazine-for-nausea-and-vomiting-6-year-old.html nexium similar drugs or Prilosec, but may still be taken with either drug. Tell your doctor if you take any of these nexium similar drugs or so they can drugs your risk:.

Lifestyle nexium similar should be your first steps drugs controlling GERD and heartburn.

Nexium vs. Prilosec: Two GERD Treatments

Try weight management, avoiding big meals right before you sleep, and quitting or refraining from tobacco use. Drugs time, long-term GERD can lead to esophageal cancer. PPIs take effect gradually, so they nexium similar nexium similar drugs or be the answer for occasional heartburn or reflux.

Alternatives can offer nexium similar drugs or for occasional use, such as:. Healthline and our partners may receive a portion of revenues if you make a purchase using a link above.

GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease is a chronic form of heartburn. Learn about symptoms and treatment. Acid reflux happens when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus.

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