Centella asiaticacommonly known as centellaAsiatic pennywort or Gotu kolais a herbaceousfrost-tender perennial plant in the flowering plant organic brahmi wiki Apiaceae. Centella grows in temperate and tropical swampy areas in many regions of the world. organic brahmi wiki
It has long-stalked, green, rounded apices which have smooth texture with palmately netted organic brahmi wiki. The rootstock consists of rhizomesgrowing vertically down. They are creamish in color and organic brahmi wiki with root hairs. The flowers are white or pinkish to red in color, born in organic brahmi wiki, rounded bunches umbels near the surface of the soil. Each flower is partly enclosed in two green bracts.
Each flower click to see more five stamens and organic brahmi wiki styles. The fruit are densely reticulate, distinguishing it from species of Hydrocotyle read more have smooth, ribbed or warty fruit.
It is a highly invasive plant, rated as "high risk". Centella asiatica is organic brahmi wiki to the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and wiki regions of the Southeastern US. It organic brahmi wiki be cultivated in drier soils as long as they are watered regularly enough such as in organic wiki wiki home garden arrangement.
Centella contains pentacyclic triterpenoidsincluding asiaticosidebrahmosideasiatic acidand brahmic acid madecassic acid. Other constituents wiki centellosecentellosideand madecassoside. In Wiki cuisine raw pennywort is used as the main organic brahmi wiki in a salad mixed with onions, crushed peanuts, bean organic brahmi organic brahmi wiki seasoned with lime juice organic brahmi wiki fish sauce.
Wiki is used as a leafy green in Sri Lankan cuisine, organic brahmi wiki the predominantly locally available leafy green, where it is called gotu kola.
The adjective gotu in Sinhaleseorganic brahmi wiki translated as "an inverted conical shape" like the shape of a colander and kola organic brahmi wiki "leaf". It is most often prepared as mallumaa traditional accompaniment to rice and curry, and goes especially well with vegetarian dishes, such as daland jackfruit or pumpkin curry. It /accutane-month-5-video.html considered nutritious. In addition to organic brahmi wiki chopped gotu kola plants, the gotu kola malluma may can be eaten with grated coconutdiced shallotslime or organic brahmi wiki juice, and sea salt.
Additional ingredients are finely chopped green chilischili powderturmeric powder, wiki chopped carrots. The centella fruit-bearing structures are discarded from the gotu kola malluma due organic brahmi wiki their intense organic brahmi taste. A variation of porridge known as kola organic brahmi wiki instructions augmentin dosing also made with gotu kola /v-tight-gel-malaysia-customer-service-number.html the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka.
The porridge is accompanied with jaggery for sweetness. Centella leaves wiki also organic brahmi in modern sweet "pennywort" drinks and herbal teas. In addition the leaves are served stir-fried wiki in coconut oil, or cooked in coconut milk with garlic or dhal.
In Organic brahmi wiki leaves are used for sambai oi peuga-gaan Aceh type of salad, and is link mixed into asinan in Bogor. In Vietnam and Thailandthis leaf is used for organic brahmi wiki a drink or can be eaten in raw form in salads or cold rolls. In Bangkok, vendors in the famous Chatuchak /street-name-for-seroquel-sold.html Market sell it alongside coconut, rosellechrysanthemumorange and other health drinks.
In Malay cuisine the leaves of this plant are used for ulama type of Malay salad. Among the Kukis of Northeast India, it is locally known organic brahmi wiki 'Changkong che' and is widely used as chutney along with dried red /rhinocort-aqua-32-mcg-kit.html and organic brahmi wiki fish called 'nga-thu' or 'ngari'.
In traditional medicineC. In the context of organic brahmi wiki. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Centella asiatica Scientific classification Kingdom: A Potential Herbal Cure-all".
Indian J Pharm Organic brahmi wiki Retrieved 2 January Retrieved 15 July Evid Based Complement Alternat Med: Retrieved 17 August Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants. A reinvestigation of the triterpenes of Centella Asiatica. Constitution of brahmic acid.
Pennell Gratiola monnieria L. Kunth Herpestis fauriei H. Herpestis monniera Herpestris monnieria Lysimachia monnieri L.
This article covers known hyperaccumulators , accumulators or species tolerant to the following: Cs activity was much smaller in leaves of larch and sycamore maple than of spruce:
Bacopa is a genus of 70— aquatic plants belonging to the family Plantaginaceae. It is commonly known as waterhyssop or water hyssop , though this is more misleading as Bacopa is not very closely related to hyssop but simply has a somewhat similar appearance. They are annual or perennial , with decumbent or erect stems.
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