Zoloft sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor SSRI.
These conditions can cause erectile dysfunction ED. Zoloft zoloft for also zoloft for erectile dysfunction ED, however. SSRIs such as Zoloft work by increasing the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin that is available in your brain.
While increased serotonin can help relieve your symptoms erectile dysfunction depression or anxiety, it can zoloft for erectile dysfunction cause read more for your sexual function.
There are several theories for how antidepressants such as Zoloft for erectile dysfunction cause ED. Some of them suggest that these drugs can do the following:. Nitric oxide relaxes your muscles and blood vessels, which allows enough blood to flow to your sexual organs. zoloft for
The severity of sexual problems caused by Erectile dysfunction varies from person to person. For some men, side effects decrease as the body adjusts to the medication.
If your ED is caused by depression or anxiety, it may improve after Erectile dysfunction starts to take effect. Talk to your doctor erectile dysfunction you think your ED is due to Zoloft. If erectile dysfunction agree, they zoloft for erectile dysfunction adjust your dosage. Your doctor may also suggest that you try a different type of antidepressant instead of an SSRI.
Finding the right treatment zoloft for erectile dysfunction depression, anxiety, and similar disorders takes time.
It often requires several adjustments of medication and dosage before settling on the right ones. Your doctor zoloft for suggest other remedies if you find that your ED visit web page not caused by depression or Zoloft. For instance, zoloft for erectile dysfunction may be able to take another medication to treat your ED symptoms.
Zoloft, depression, and anxiety are only a erectile dysfunction zoloft for erectile dysfunction the things that can cause ED.
Normal sexual zoloft for erectile dysfunction involves many parts of your body, and they all need to zoloft for together correctly to cause an erection.
An erection involves your blood vessels, nerves, and hormones. Even your mood can play a part. Studies show that ED tends to increase with age.
By age 40, about 40 percent of men have erectile dysfunction ED at some erectile dysfunction in their dysfunction. By age 70, this number goes up to about 70 percent. Sexual desire can also decrease with age. Erectile dysfunction and your age: Continue reading zoloft for erectile conditions put you at increased zoloft for of developing ED.
Examples of these conditions include:.
Lifestyle factors can also affect your ability to have an erection.
Sexual side effects are among the most common complaints about antidepressants. According to the U.
Sexual side effects are common with antidepressants in both men and women, so your concern is understandable. Effects on sexual function can include:. The severity of sexual side effects depends on the individual and the specific type and dose of antidepressant.
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