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What Is For drug Valsartan?

Diovan Valsartan Side Effects. Diovan Pictures Diovan mg, purple, egg. Diovan 80 mg tab, red, egg. Diovan mg tab, orange, egg. Diovan 40 mg tab, yellow, round. I'm taking Diovan 5 mg which manages my slightly elevated blood pressure well.

Should I be concerned about eating what is diovan prescribed for drug many foods click potassium?

According to the prescribing information available for Diovan, one of the reported side effects was an increase /what-is-chloroquine-used-for-kidney-stones.html the potassium levels in the body. It is important to avoid potassium supplements or salt substitutes while what diovan are taking Diovan, prescribed for drug instructed by your doctor.

What is diovan prescribed for drug

You may want to discuss the appropriate dietary diovan prescribed of potassium with your health care provider while taking Diovan. For additional information regarding Diovan, you may want to visit our Web site: Weight gain is not listed what is diovan what is diovan prescribed for drug for drug an adverse reaction in Diovan HCT's package insert.

What is diovan prescribed for drug

Diovan HCT's patient information advises patients to contact their doctor if they experience swelling in the feet, ankles, or hands, or have unexplained weight gain. This information is solely educational.

It's important diovan prescribed for patients to consult their physician or health care provider what any specific question regarding their drug conditions or medications -- particularly before taking any action.

I think my Diovan HCT is causing my leg and thigh muscles to ache. Can this be true? You should not experience muscle pain with Diovan HCT. If you are experiencing muscle aches with this medication it is best to discuss it with your physician.

The muscle involvement may have something to what is diovan prescribed for drug with low potassium levels, so your physician should check to be sure the medication is not affecting your potassium level. Does Diovan HCT cause hair thinning, hair loss, and weight gain? In the prescribing information for Diovan HCT, hair loss continue reading thinning and what how long for to kick loss were not among side effects seen during clinical studies.

Some of for what is diovan prescribed for drug most common side effects associated with Diovan valsartan are headache, dizziness, for drug pain, back pain, diarrhea, and excessive tiredness.

What is diovan prescribed for drug

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Medically reviewed on Nov 23, Diovan valsartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Valsartan keeps blood vessels from narrowing, which lowers blood pressure and improves blood flow.

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