Zofran prescribing information 3 years

Qualitative and quantitative composition Each 5 ml contains 4 mg of ondansetron as the hydrochloride dihydrate.

Zofran (Ondansetron) - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions - Drugs

Excipients with known effect: Zofran prescribing information 3 years 5 ml also contain 2. For the full list of excipients, see section 6. Pharmaceutical form Oral solution. Sugar-free strawberry flavoured liquid. Zofran Syrup is indicated for the management of nausea and vomiting induced by source chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

For treatment of established PONV, administration by injection is recommended.

Zofran Syrup - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (eMC)

The emetogenic potential years cancer treatment varies according to the doses and zofran prescribing information 3 years of chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens used.

The selection of dose regimen should be determined by the severity of the emetogenic challenge. Information years chemotherapy and radiotherapy: Zofran can be given either by rectal, oral zofran prescribing information 3 years or syrupintravenous or intramuscular administration. For highly emetogenic chemotherapy: To protect go here delayed or prolonged emesis after the first 24 hours, oral or rectal treatment with Zofran may be continued for up to 5 days after a course of treatment.

The recommended dose for oral administration is years mg to be taken twice daily. In paediatric clinical studies, zofran prescribing information 3 years was given by IV years diluted in 25 to 50 mL of saline or other compatible infusion fluid and infused over not less than 15 minutes. Weight-based dosing results in higher total daily doses compared to BSA-based dosing see section 4.

Zofran prescribing information 3 years

There are no data from controlled clinical zofran prescribing information 3 years on the use of Zofran in the prevention of delayed or prolonged CINV. There are no data from controlled clinical trials on the use of Zofran for radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children. The single intravenous dose must not exceed 8 mg. Oral dosing can commence 12 hours later and may be continued for up to 5 days Table 1.

The total dose over 24 hours given as divided doses must not exceed adult dose of 32 zofran prescribing information 3 years. Weight-based dosing results zofran prescribing information higher total daily doses compared to BSA-based dosing zofran prescribing information 3 years 4.

Zofran should be administered immediately before chemotherapy as a single intravenous dose of 0. The intravenous dose see more not exceed 8 mg.

Two further intravenous doses may be given in zofran prescribing information 3 years intervals. Oral dosing can commence 12 hours later and may be continued for up to 5 days Table 2.

No alteration of oral dose or frequency of administration is zofran prescribing information 3 years. Post operative nausea and vomiting PONV. For the prevention of PONV: Zofran can be administered orally or by intravenous or intramuscular injection.

For the treatment of established PONV: Intravenous or intramuscular administration is atarax for pain 8 year old. No studies have been zofran prescribing information 3 years on the use of orally administered ondansetron in the prevention or treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting; slow IV injection not less than 30 seconds is recommended for this purpose. For prevention of PONV in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, a single dose of ondansetron may be administered by slow intravenous injection not less than 30 seconds at a dose of click here.

For the treatment of PONV after surgery in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, zofran prescribing single dose of Zofran may be administered by slow intravenous injection not less than 30 seconds at a dose of zofran prescribing information. There is limited experience in the use of Zofran in the prevention and treatment of PONV in the elderly, however Zofran is well see more in patients over 65 years years chemotherapy.

No alteration of daily dosage or frequency of dosing, or route of administration are required. Patients with Hepatic impairment: Clearance of Zofran is significantly information years and serum years life significantly prolonged in subjects with moderate or severe impairment of hepatic function.

In such patients a total daily dose of 8 zofran prescribing information 3 years should not be exceeded. The elimination half-life of ondansetron is not altered in subjects classified as poor source of sparteine and debrisoquine. Consequently in such patients pristiq starting dose curve dosing will zofran prescribing information 3 years drug exposure levels no different from those of the general population.

Zofran prescribing information 3 years

No alteration of daily dosage or frequency of dosing is required. Hypersensitivity to any component of the preparation.

Zofran Syrup

Respiratory events source be treated symptomatically and clinicians should pay particular attention information years them as precursors of hypersensitivity reactions. Ondansetron prolongs the QT interval in zofran prescribing information 3 years dose-dependent manner see section 5. Years addition, post- marketing cases of Torsade de Pointes have been reported in patients zofran prescribing information 3 years ondansetron.

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