What class of antidepressant is wellbutrin

It's also used to treat seasonal affective disorder SADa type what class depression that usually strikes in the fall and winter.

Under the brand name Zyban, bupropion has also been prescribed to help people quit smoking. Wellbutrin belongs to the aminoketone class of antidepressantswhich are chemically unrelated to the better-known selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIssuch as ProzacAntidepressant, what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin Zoloft. Wellbutrin moderates the levels and activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopaminebut exactly how it works to treat depression is not known.

What class of antidepressant is wellbutrin

Doctors have also prescribed Wellbutrin off-label to treat what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHDand in tandem with other medications — particularly SSRIs — to treat bipolar disorder. However, it was withdrawn from the market in amid findings that it increased the frequency of seizures in non-depressed bulimic patients at the originally recommended dose of to milligrams a day.

The FDA reapproved Wellbutrin in with a lowered daily dose and a warning about the increased risk of seizures.

It approved the sustained-release version What class of antidepressant is wellbutrin SR in and the extended-release version Wellbutrin XL in Wellbutrin, like other antidepressants, is required to carry a black-box warning antidepressant an increased risk of suicidal thinking and behavior in children, teenagers, and young adults between the ages of 18 and The black-box warning notes the need to monitor patients taking antidepressants for signs of any worsening of their depression, and for the emergence of suicidal thoughts, especially wellbutrin the first few months of treatment or what class the dose is either increased or decreased.

The warning also extended to Zyban, which contains the same ingredient as Wellbutrin and is made by the same company. You should tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter OTC drugs, vitaminsillegal and click drugs, and dietary supplements you're taking, especially if you're on monoamine oxidase inhibitors MAOIssuch as Marplan isocarboxazid or Nardil phenelzine.

People who proventil manufacturer coupon 10 off 10 had a seizure wellbutrin epilepsyan eating disorder such as bulimia or anorexia nervosaor are using or withdrawing from alcohol or certain drugs used to treat anxietyseizures, and insomnia such as XanaxValium, and Ativan, are generally not good candidates for Wellbutrin.

Your doctor also what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin to know if you have liver or kidney disease, are taking insulin for diabetesare taking other antidepressants, or are using a nicotine patch, which can increase antidepressant wellbutrin risk of high blood pressure.

Nonetheless, the drug's benefits to the mother may outweigh the potential risks to her developing fetus. Data from population studies of pregnant women click Wellbutrin in the first trimester indicated no increased risk of congenital malformations. A study in the American Wellbutrin of Obstetrics and Gynecology suggested a what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin between Wellbutrin taken in the first trimester and congenital heart defects but found that more data was needed to confirm a connection.

Wellbutrin is present in what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin milk, and there's some evidence that it may cause seizures in babies.

What class of antidepressant is wellbutrin

It may also reduce the amount of breast milk a mother produces. Wellbutrin has been linked to /benadryl-without-drowsy-hives.html loss, according to the Stanford School of Medicine, anecdotal reports, and other what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin. This distinguishes Wellbutrin from several other antidepressants, which are often associated with weight gain.

Studies have found that Wellbutrin, when combined with dietary recommendations, can result in significant weight loss. Some doctors have prescribed Wellbutrin off-label for anxiety disordersespecially when a patient has anxiety and depression.

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) - Side Effects, Dosage, Interactions - Drugs

However, some studies suggest that use what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin Wellbutrin has caused anxiety in people taking antidepressant wellbutrin drug for depression or other conditions. A wellbutrin in the journal Dosage child strattera normal for Psychiatry finds that for people who have anxiety and depression, Wellbutrin "would not what class a first-line choice because it is not FDA-approved to treat anxiety disorders.

Looking to save money on a prescription for Wellbutrin? SingleCare, a leading online service for prescription, dental, and vision what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin, has partnered with most major pharmacies around the country to help you save up to 80 percent off prescription costs.

What class of antidepressant is wellbutrin

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If any just click for source what class of antidepressant is wellbutrin serious wellbutrin effects occur, stop taking Wellbutrin and call your doctor immediately or seek emergency medical care without delay.


Reports of worsening psychiatric or neurological conditions or lowered alcohol tolerance in patients who wellbutrin while on Wellbutrin have been rare. Extreme caution must be used when taking Wellbutrin with other drugs that lower the "seizure threshold," such as other products containing bupropion, antipsychotic medications, other antidepressants, drugs used for respiratory problems, or certain corticosteroids that may be taken wellbutrin asthma. Wellbutrin is available as source standard pill of 75 milligrams mg and mg, as a sustained-release pill mg just click for what class and as a long-acting extended-release tablet and mg.

Source three days, your doctor may increase the dose to mg a day, given as mg three times wellbutrin day, with at least a six-hour interval between doses.

To minimize the risk of wellbutrin, the dose must be increased gradually. The maximum dose is mg a day.

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