Back to Medicines A-Z. It's used to treat aches and pains, as well as problems with joints, muscles and bones. Diclofenac comes as tablets, capsules and suppositories.
These are available on prescription only. Check this out may be prescribed diclofenac to treat joint problems. Diclofenac tablets, capsules and suppositories are suitable for children aged 1 year voveran dosage above.
Tell your doctor or pain if you're pregnant, for adults joint to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. The standard dose is 75mg to mg a day, depending on what your doctor prescribes for voveran dosage for voveran dosage for adults joint pain joint pain. Follow your doctor's voveran dosage on how many tablets to take, and how many times a day.
If your doctor prescribes diclofenac for joint pain child, they'll use your child's weight to work out the right click for them.
If you have pain all the time, your doctor may recommend slow-release diclofenac tablets or capsules. It's usual to take these either once a day in the evening, or twice a day.
If voveran dosage for adults joint pain taking slow-release article source twice a day, leave a for adults of 10 to 12 hours between your doses. Swallow the diclofenac tablets or capsules with a glass of water or milk. Swallow them whole - do voveran dosage for adults joint pain crush, break or chew them. Always take your diclofenac tablets or capsules after a meal or snack, or with a drink of milk.
They'll be less likely to upset or irritate your stomach.
You'll usually use the gel 2 to 4 times a day, depending on how strong it is. Check the voveran dosage for adults joint pain for more information or speak to your pharmacist. If you're using the gel twice a day, use voveran dosage for adults joint pain once in the morning and once in the evening.
If you're using it 3 or 4 times a day, wait at least 4 hours before putting on any more.
Drug information provided by: Keep using this medicine for the full time of treatment.
Medically reviewed on March 23, Applies to the following strengths: Diclofenac free acid capsules:
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