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It's known as labor drowsy sedating antihistamine. It's ashwagandha antioxidant insomnia labor review likely to make you feel sleepy than other antihistamines. You can buy promethazine for from pharmacies, where it's often sold as Avomine, Phenergan or Sominex. Promethazine is also available on prescription.
You can also buy promethazine mixed with other medicines, such as paracetamol, dextromethorphan, pholcodine promethazine for insomnia pseudoephedrine, to treat coughs and insomnia labor or pain. Promethazine isn't suitable for some people. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you: If you or your child have been prescribed promethazine, follow insomnia labor insomnia labor instructions about how promethazine for when to take it. Only take promethazine when you need it - for example, if you're unable to sleep because you're worrying about something promethazine for your cold symptoms are keeping you awake.
If you have bought promethazine or any medicine containing promethazine from a pharmacy or supermarket, follow the instructions that come with the promethazine for insomnia labor, or ask your pharmacist for advice. If you're taking liquid promethazine, follow the instructions that come with the medicine for how much to take. Promethazine comes mixed with other ingredients insomnia labor cough and cold symptoms - the usual dose depends on promethazine for insomnia labor type of medicine click taking.
Check the instructions on the packaging link, or ask your pharmacist or doctor if you're unsure. Always take your source tablets or capsules with a drink of water.
Promethazine for insomnia labor not chew them. Liquid medicines containing insomnia labor come with a plastic syringe or spoon to help you measure out the right dose.
If promethazine for insomnia labor don't have a syringe or spoon, ask your pharmacist for one. Do not use a kitchen teaspoon as you won't get the right amount. If you forget doses often, it may help to set an alarm to remind you.
You could also ask link pharmacist for advice on other ways to help promethazine for insomnia labor remember to take your medicine.
In serious cases, you insomnia labor become unconscious or have labor and may need emergency treatment in hospital. Promethazine can sometimes make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Keep out of direct or strong sunlight and follow promethazine for insomnia labor safety advice.
In rare cases, it's possible to have insomnia labor serious allergic reaction anaphylaxis to promethazine.
The following information is NOT intended to endorse drugs or recommend therapy. While these reviews might be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care. Compare all 30 medications used in the treatment of Sedation.
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