Government Medical College, Kolhapur, India.
Rapidly rising prevalence of obesity is pdf. Obesity works pdf to co-morbidities like orlistat how, type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemias, works pdf substantially rising healthcare expenditure. Lifestyle modifications alone have very limited success, necessitating the addition of pharmacotherapy to it. Present study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of orlistat in obese patients.
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Z orlistat how was used for analysis of data. Orlistat is an effective and well-tolerated antiobesity drug, which can be employed as an adjunct to therapeutic lifestyle changes to achieve and maintain optimal weight.
Obesity is a state of excess adipose tissue mass.
Primary measures taken to control works pdf like dietary restriction and exercise are met with short-term success and are often inadequate alone, source there is need for pharmacotherapy as adjunct to lifestyle changes in these patients.
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It is reported to be effective in reducing weight. This orlistat how it works pdf a orlistat how, randomized, single blind, parallel group study carried out at outpatient department of works pdf endocrinology hospital over the period of 24 weeks. Pdf study was carried out after obtaining approval from Institutional Ethics Committee. The /buy-himalaya-himcolin-online-movies.html categories of patients were excluded: Total 80 patients were enrolled please click for source the study according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and were randomized into two groups of 40 patients each.
Group 1 patients received orlistat mg three times a day, 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. A standard dose of orlistat mg pdf three times a day was selected works pdf the previous studies.
Group 2 patients received placebo three times orlistat how it works pdf day, 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Placebo, similar in appearance orlistat how orlistat capsule orlistat how used.
After enrolment into the study, baseline clinical examination weight, BMI and laboratory investigations lipid profile, BSL were carried out.
In works same visit, irrespective of group pdf, all the patients /zofran-lawsuit-lawyers-pregnancy.html educated about the importance of /minocin-vs-minocycline-30-mg.html changes including healthy dietary habits and exercise in weight reduction and maintenance.
Patients were given information about nutritional value of various foods and orlistat how it works pdf simple works for orlistat how and maintaining near normal body weight. Orlistat how compliance for lifestyle change advice was checked through verbal questions at each visit.
The efficacy of drugs was assessed by primary efficacy parameters i. Safety was assessed in terms of both subjective and objective adverse effects. Subjective symptoms such as loose stools were assessed by questioning patients at each visit and objective orlistat how it works pdf were assessed by clinical pdf biochemical examination. Follow-up was performed at 8th, 16th and 24 weeks of study orlistat how it works pdf, and during each visit all the efficacy parameters were measured and safety evaluation was done.
Quantitative orlistat how it works pdf was analyzed by Z test for difference between two means, works pdf qualitative was analyzed by Z test orlistat how it works pdf difference between two proportions. Baseline values of both the groups were comparable with respect to age, sex, weight, height, BMI, waist circumference, total cholesterol, /norvasc-indications-80-mg.html, LDL, HDL, random blood here level and orlistat how it works pdf pressure.
In orlistat-treated group, the mean weight at day 0 was In placebo-treated group, orlistat how weight at day 0 was Mean BMI works orlistat-treated group at day 0 was In placebo-treated group, the mean BMI at day 0 was Mean waist circumference in orlistat-treated group at day 0 was In placebo-treated group, the mean waist circumference at day 0 was When orlistat and placebo group were compared for absolute reduction in weight 4.
Mean total cholesterol concentration in orlistat-treated group at day 0 was In placebo group mean total cholesterol concentration at day 0 was
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