Nicorette chewing gum spc

Nicorette 4 mg Gum 2. Qualitative visit web page quantitative composition Chewing Gum nicorette chewing gum 4mg nicotine, as nicotine resinate. For excipients see section 6.

Nicotinell mint 2mg medicated chewing gum

Pharmaceutical form Chewing Gum nicorette chewing gum spc. It is indicated to aid smokers wishing to quit or reduce prior to quitting, to assist smokers who are unwilling or unable to spc href="/bactroban-ointment-otc-for-dogs.html">/bactroban-ointment-otc-for-dogs.html, and as a safer alternative to smoking for smokers and those around nicorette chewing gum. Nicorette 4 mg Gum is indicated in pregnant and lactating women making a quit click here. Nicorette 4 mg Gum should be chewed slowly according to the instructions.

The strength of gum to be used will depend on the smoking habits of the individual. spc

Nicorette chewing gum spc

In general, if the patient smokes 20 or less cigarettes a day, 2mg nicotine gum is indicated. If more than 20 cigarettes per day are smoked, 4mg nicotine gum will be needed to meet the withdrawal of the high serum nicotine levels from heavy smoking.

Link 4mg Gum should be used whenever the urge to smoke nicorette chewing gum spc felt or to prevent cravings in situations nicorette chewing gum spc these are likely to occur.

Nicorette 4mg Gum - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (eMC)

Nicorette chewing willing or able to stop smoking immediately should initially replace all their cigarettes with the Gum and as soon nicorette chewing gum spc they are able, reduce the number of gums used until they have stopped completely.

Smokers aiming to reduce cigarettes should use Nicorette 4mg Gum, as needed, between smoking episodes gum spc prolong smoke-free intervals and with the intention to reduce smoking as much nicorette chewing gum spc possible. As soon as they are ready smokers should aim to quit smoking completely. When making a quit attempt behavioural therapy, advice and support will normally improve the success rate.

Those who have quit smoking, but are nicorette chewing difficulty discontinuing Nicorette nicorette chewing gum Nicorette chewing gum spc are recommended to contact their pharmacist or doctor for advice.

Nicorette chewing gum spc

gum spc For those using the 4mg gum, switching to the 2mg spc may be nicorette chewing gum spc when stopping treatment or reducing the number of gums used each day.

After about 30 minutes of such use, the gum will be exhausted. Absorption of nicotine is through the buccal mucosa, any nicotine which is swallowed being destroyed nicorette chewing the liver.

Nicorette 4mg Gum

Spc 4 mg Gum nicorette chewing gum spc spc contraindicated in children under the age of 12 years. In stable cardiovascular disease this product presents spc lesser hazard than continuing to nicorette chewing gum spc. If this fails, this product may be considered, but as data on safety in this patient group are limited, initiation should only be under medical supervision.

Patients with diabetes mellitus should be advised to monitor their blood sugar levels more closely than usual when NRT nicorette chewing gum initiated as catecholamines released by nicotine can affect carbohydrate metabolism.

Swallowed nicotine may exacerbate symptoms in patients suffering from oesophagitis, gastritis or peptic ulcers and oral Cotrimoxazole bactrim side effects preparations should be spc with caution in these conditions.

Ulcerative stomatitis has been spc. Renal or hepatic nicorette chewing gum spc Danger in small children: Doses of nicotine tolerated by nicorette chewing gum spc and adolescent smokers can produce nicorette chewing gum toxicity in small children that may be fatal. Products containing nicorette chewing gum spc should not be left where they may be misused, handled or ingested by children.

Nicotinell mint 2mg medicated chewing gum - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (eMC)

Nicotine gum should be disposed of with care. Phaeochromocytoma and uncontrolled hyperthyroidism: As nicotine causes release of catecholamines, this product should be used with caution in patients with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism or phaeochromocytoma.

Transferred dependence is rare and nicorette chewing gum both less harmful and easier to break than smoking click here. When a smoker gum spc smoking, this may result in slower metabolism and a consequent nicorette chewing gum spc in blood levels of such drugs.

This is of potential clinical importance for products with a narrow therapeutic window, e. This product contains sorbitol; patients with nicorette chewing gum spc spc problems spc fructose intolerance should not take this medicine.

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This product also contains butylated hydroxy toluene E ; this may cause irritation to the mucous membranes. Smokers who nicorette chewing gum spc dentures may see more difficulty in nicorette chewing gum spc this product.

Nicorette chewing gum spc

The chewing gum may spc to, and may in rare cases damage dentures. However nicotine may possibly enhance the haemodynamic effects of adenosine i. Nicorette chewing gum spc smoking is the single most effective intervention for improving the health of both the pregnant smoker and her baby, and the earlier abstinence is achieved the better.

Ideally smoking cessation during pregnancy should be achieved without NRT. However, if the mother cannot or is considered unlikely to quit without nicorette chewing gum spc support, NRT may be used as the risk to the fetus is lower than that expected with smoking tobacco.

Stopping completely is by far the best option but if this is not achievable this product may be used in pregnancy as a safer alternative to smoking. If patches are used they should, if possible, be removed at read article when the fetus would not normally be exposed link nicotine.

The relatively small amounts of nicotine found in breast milk during NRT use are less hazardous to the infant than nicorette chewing gum spc smoke.

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One piece of medicated chewing gum contains 2 mg nicotine as 10 mg nicotine — polacrilin 1: It is indicated to aid smokers wishing to quit or reduce prior to quitting, to assist smokers who are unwilling or unable to smoke, and as a safer alternative to smoking for smokers and those around them.

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