Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it

Even though there are multiple treatment modalities most of the studies compare 2 to 3 treatment options for specific body sites. To compare the clinical profile and the therapeutic effects of ketoconazole desonide different this web page modalities on the disease severity in patients of SD before and after the treatment. Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it hundred patients attending the outpatient clinic of Dermatology Department, with clinically diagnosed Seborrheic Dermatitis SD were included in the ketoconazole desonide cream what is it.

All patients were randomly divided into four equal groups of 25 ketoconazole desonide cream what is it. Assessment of response was done with reduction in Seborrheic Area Severity Index SASI score as well as visual analogue scale VAS at 4, 8, 12 ketoconazole desonide cream what is it desonide cream what is it 16 weeks and outcome of the treatment was statistically analyzed.

Majority of the cases, i.

Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it

On both patient and physician VAS, patients in all groups showed improvement at 12 weeks, which was statistically significant for the first 3 what. It can be inferred from the results that topical ketoconazole still remains the most effective and preferred antifungal drug ketoconazole desonide cream the treatment of SD.

Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it

Moreover steroid sparing immune-modulator topical tacrolimus had a statistical advantage over conventional topical steroid application. The adverse effects of topical ketoconazole desonide cream what is it too ketoconazole desonide cream what is it be borne in mind and their prolonged use may be detrimental for the patients if they continue to use it on confido online purchase guide own for long period.

Metronidazole found to be least effective in the treatment of SD.

Seborrheic dermatitis; Ketoconazole; Desonide; Tacrolimus; Metronidazole. Seborrheic Dermatitis SD is common chronic relapsing inflammatory dermatoses characterized by erythematous plaques with yellowish greasy or dry whitish scales [1].

Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it

Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it /is-meldonium-available-in-india-or-usa.html involves areas of body having high concentration of sebaceous glands such as scalp, anterior hair line, flexures; face eyebrows, eyelashes, nasolabial fold, maleolabial fold, glabellaear external auditory canal, retro auricular areacentral chest and genital ketoconazole desonide cream what is it [1].

The reported prevalence of SD is 1. The disease is commoner in males [2] as compared to females. It has two peaks of onset [2], first during infancy first three months of life and the latter in the 4th to 7th decades of life.

The exact causes of SD are yet not completely understood, multiple factors appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease. The principle three factors involved are: SD is often resistant to the treatment with chronic relapsing course at variable interval. The frequent relapses of disease have got substantial negative impact on quality of life of affected individuals. The primary goals of any therapy for SD are to clear the visible signs, acute flares of disease and reduce bothersome symptoms, especially pruritus.

To Compare the Efficacy of Different Therapeutic Agents in Treatment of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Often long-term therapy in some form is required to maintain remission. Although SD has no permanent cure, a variety of treatment options are available that can effectively treat this condition.

Antifungal agents [5—9], anti-inflammatory agents including topical learn more here [10] and topical calcineurin [11] /can-dogs-take-unisom-late.htmltopical metronidazole [11], azelaic acid and keratolytic [12] agents are available in a variety of formulations shampoo, lotion, cream, foam, gel for treatment of SD.

Other topical therapies such as non steroidal anti-inflammatory antifungal protein ketoconazole desonide cream what is it [13], synthetic antimicrobial peptides and photodynamic therapy [14] are ketoconazole desonide cream what is it as newer treatment option for SD.

Mild to moderate form of SD often responds well to topical therapies here the need to add oral antifungal [15] therapy; which is often reserved only for recalcitrant, treatment resistant and severe form of disease.

Different issues such as age of patient, compliance, cost-effectiveness, adverse effect of drugs, acceptability of formulations are need to be considered when selecting a treatment to provide the best clinical outcome.

It has been widely article source in clinical practice that ketoconazole desonide cream what is it dermatologists co-prescribe combinations of topical antifungal and steroid preparations what and then gradually taper its usage and concomitantly introduce calcinuerin inhibitors like tacrolimus, pimecrolimus for ketoconazole desonide cream what is it phase of management.

Although there are many studies which suggests use of different topical drugs and their multiple formulations but comparative studies using different classes of drugs are very few.

Thus it prompted us to conduct such a study including four different drugs for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. The combination therapy of topical ketoconazole desonide cream was deliberately not considered as ketoconazole desonide cream what is it would cause bias source acts as hindrance to assess the individual drug's efficacy.

The study also gave an opportunity to assess the response to the treatment by reduction in mean SASI scoring as well as patient and physician VAS scoring. In this study medicinal frequency, usage, compliance, adverse events and cost-effectiveness of topical agents were visit web page studied. Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it hundred consecutive patients of both sexes of age more than two years which were clinically diagnosed as mild to moderate seborrheic dermatitis; who were not using cream what kind of topical or systemic medications in the form of antifungal, keratolytic or immune-suppressant since last three months were included in the study.

Ketoconazole gel 2% in the treatment of moderate to severe seborrheic dermatitis.

Pregnant, lactating females, children less than two years ketoconazole desonide cream what is it age, ketoconazole desonide cream what is it those cream what immunosuppressants and non —consenting patients were excluded from the study.

Informed and written consent was taken from all the patients. Detailed clinical history about the onset, duration, progress, associated and aggravating factors, treatment received cream what past, relapses, history of atopic dermatitis was taken in all patients. A through clinical examination and grading of disease by seborrheic dermatitis area and severity index score SASI was performed by same treating physician.

/accutane-pills-for-acne-helping.html ketoconazole desonide cream what is it read more severity of seborrheic dermatitis, we used ketoconazole desonide cream what is it SASI scoring system suggested by Koca et al.

Ketoconazole gel 2% in the treatment of moderate to severe seborrheic dermatitis.

A Area of involvement of face and scalp are scored independently from as follows: B The erythema and scaling of the face and scalp are scored independently as none -0, very mild- 1, mild -2, moderate -3 and severe The severity of pruritus was evaluated by visual analogue scale VAS.

VAS is graded on 0 to 10 ketoconazole desonide cream what is it, in which point 0 refers to existence of no pruritus and point 10 refers to the most severe pruritus. Ketoconazole desonide cream what is it to this scale, we scored the pruritus of the patients from point 1 to 3 as mild pruritus, from point 4 to 6 cream what moderate pruritus and from point 7 to point 10 as severe pruritus.

Patients were randomized into ketoconazole desonide cream what is it groups A, B, C, and D, each containing 25 patients.

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