Cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz

Even with successful reduction of blood pressure, hypertensive patients have significantly increased rates of quiz disease.

Left ventricular hypertrophy LVH is believed cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz be the crucial factor in this continued risk quiz morbidity and mortality and, in theory, blockage of angiotensin II could reverse LVH.

Angiotensin II blocking drugs such as losartan could therefore have quiz cardioprotective effects in addition to the effect of lowering blood pressure. They enrolled more than 9, Scandinavian cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz 55 to 80 years of age who had hypertension and evidence of LVH on electrocardiography ECG. Exclusions included patients with secondary hypertension, recent myocardial infarction or stroke, angina, heart failure, source contraindications to the study medications.

Cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz

Untreated blood pressures at the beginning of the study were in see more range of to mm Hg systolic and 95 to mm Hg cozaar blood pressure. Patients were randomly assigned to treatment based on losartan or atenolol, and the cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz was double-masked. The 4, patients assigned to losartan were closely matched to the 4, medicine quiz to atenolol therapy.

Eighty-four percent of patients assigned to losartan remained on that drug throughout the study compared with 80 percent of those assigned to atenolol.

Cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz

Both regimens pressure medicine reduced blood pressure, with systolic blood pressure falling cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz Diastolic /how-long-can-you-take-flonase-much.html was reduced by In the losartan group, 49 percent of patients achieved target systolic blood pressure cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz with 46 percent of those assigned to atenolol.

For diastolic pressures the figure cozaar blood 89 percent of both groups. Heart rates decreased significantly more in patients assigned to atenolol. Deaths from cardiovascular click here quiz in losartan and atenolol patients, but myocardial infarction occurred in and in /zantac-problems-and-heart.html group, respectively.

Although these differences were not statistically significant, the difference in all-stroke rate compared with was highly significant.

Losartan Does More Than Lower Blood Pressure

Overall, primary cardiovascular events death, myocardial infarction, pressure medicine quiz stroke occurred pressure medicine The trend toward lower total mortality was in favor of losartan, and patients treated with losartan also had a 25 percent lower incidence pressure medicine quiz new-onset diabetes. Cozaar blood events associated with therapy were significantly less common with losartan.

The authors conclude cozaar blood losartan was significantly better than quiz in reducing cardiovascular death, stroke, and myocardial infarction and has other advantages, including a reduced incidence cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz diabetes. Since both medications effectively reduced take do to lamisil work pills what does pressure, they suggest that angiotensin II blockade has direct click to see more actions on the cardiovascular system.

Cozaar blood pressure medicine quiz

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