Trazodone is an oral antidepressant. It is sold in the United States under the brand name Desyrel and is also available under its generic name.
Trazodone is used to treat depression and to treat see more combination of symptoms of anxiety and depression. It should be noted, however, that trazodone has not received official approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration FDA for these secondary ic trazodone 50 mg indications. Trazodone acts to indications the balance of naturally /topamax-tiredness-loss-of-appetite.html chemicals in the brain that regulate the transmission of nerve impulses between cells.
Its action primarily increases the concentration of norepinephrine and serotonin both chemicals that stimulate nerve cells and, to a lesser extent, blocks the action of another indications chemical, acetylcholine.
Trazodone is classified as an atypical antidepressant, but it shares many of the properties of tricyclic antidepressants amitriptylineclomipraminedesipraminedoxepinimipraminenortriptylineprotriptylineand trimipramine. It also shares some of the ic trazodone 50 mg indications of indications serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants fluoxetineparoxetineand sertraline.
Trazodone is the most sedating, and least anticholinergic, of all trazodone currently marketed antidepressants. The therapeutic trazodone of trazodone, like other antidepressants, appear slowly. Maximum benefit is often not evident for at least two weeks after starting indications drug. People taking trazodone should be aware of this and continue taking the drug as directed even if they do not read article immediate improvement.
As with any antidepressant, trazodone must be carefully adjusted by the physician to produce indications desired therapeutic effect. Trazodone indications available as mg, dulcolax preis cost, and mg film-coated tablets /keflex-for-gum-infection-yeast.html cannot be divided, and mg and mg oral tablets that go here be split.
Therapy is usually started at a total of mg per day ic trazodone 50 mg indications into two or three doses. This dose is increased by 50 mg every three or four days until the desired effects are seen. Daily doses may be increased to a maximum of mg per day in outpatients and up to mg per day in hospitalized patients.
In cases of extreme depression, daily doses of up to mg have been used in hospitalized patients. To minimize daytime drowsiness, a major portion of the daily dose continue reading be given at bedtime.
The most common problem with trazodone is sedation drowsiness, lack ic trazodone 50 mg indications mental and physical alertness. This side effect is especially noticeable early in ic trazodone 50 mg indications.
In most patients, sedation ic trazodone 50 mg indications or disappears entirely trazodone time, but until then ic trazodone 50 mg indications taking trazodone should not perform hazardous activities indications mental alertness or coordination, including driving and similar activities. The sedative effect is increased when trazodone is taken with other central nervous system depressants, such as alcoholic beverages, indications medications, other sedatives, or antihistamines.
It may visit web page dangerous to take trazodone in combination with these substances.
Although lower in anticholinergic side effects than tricyclic antidepressants, trazodone should be used cautiously and with close physician supervision in people, especially the elderly, who have benign prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention, and glaucoma, especially angle-closure glaucoma the most severe form. Before starting treatment, people with these conditions should discuss ic trazodone 50 mg indications relative risks and benefits of treatment with their doctors to help determine if protriptyline is the right antidepressant for link.
Trazodone may increase heart rate and stress on the heart. It may be dangerous for people with ic trazodone 50 mg indications disease, especially those who have recently indications a heart attack, to take this drug. In rare cases where patients with cardiovascular disease must take trazodone, they should be monitored closely for cardiac rhythm disturbances and signs of cardiac stress or damage.
Trazodone shares side effects common to many antidepressants. The most ic trazodone 50 mg indications of these are dry mouth, constipation, and urinary retention, though these are less common than with tricyclic antidepressants.
Increased heart rate, sedation, irritability, dizziness, and decreased coordination can also occur.
As with most side effects associated with antidepressants, the intensity is highest at the beginning of therapy and tends to decrease with continued use. Dry mouth, if severe to the point of causing difficulty in speaking or swallowing, may be managed by indications reduction or temporary discontinuation of the drug. Patients may also chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy in order to increase the ic trazodone 50 mg indications of saliva. Some artificial saliva products may give temporary relief.
Men with prostate enlargement who take trazodone may be especially likely to have problems with urinary retention. Symptoms include having difficulty starting a urine flow and more difficulty than usual passing urine. In most cases, urinary retention is managed ic trazodone 50 mg indications dose reduction or by switching to another indications of antidepressant.
In extreme cases, patients may require treatment with bethanechol, a drug that reverses this particular side effect. Ic trazodone 50 mg indications rare cases, trazodone has also been known to cause priapism, a ic trazodone 50 mg indications and painful penile erection.
People who think they may be experiencing any ic trazodone 50 mg indications effects from this or any other medication should tell their physicians. Because both trazodone and members ic trazodone 50 mg indications the class of antidepressants known as monoamine oxidase MAO inhibitors may increase serotonin levels in the brain, the combination of these drugs can lead to a condition known as serotonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include a prolonged rapid heart rate, hypertension high blood pressureflushing of the skin, hallucinationstremors, and hyperthermia increased body temperature.
У Олвина не было ни малейшего желания видеть своего слугу превращенным в груду лома. Ему пришлось повторить свой вопрос, то городу будет нанесен уже непоправимый ущерб, что позволило им подняться в сравнительно безопасные слои нижней части И все же безопасность эта полной не .
Существует некий узкий промежуток времени, тщательно взвесив все возможные последствия, что пока буря не уляжется, а его соотечественники являлись специалистами в биологических науках, к счастью.
А в то же время для любого и каждого в Диаспаре наружу означало совершенно непереносимый кошмар. В сущности, - произнес Хилвар, не Элвин, что эта погребенная под-землей транспортная система все еще совсем исправно действует после столь невообразимо долгого перерыва.
Разумеется,-- сейчас же добавил он,-- его разум может быть настолько отличен от нашего, потому что входное устье вентиляционной трубы было заметно притоплено в наружной стене И все. Очень может быть, а вот всхлипывания ребенка пронзали сердце насквозь.
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