Synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid

I am synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid a user of synthroid. My sister, who is a health nut, continue reading insisting that I get my doctor to prescribe armour thyroidbecause its natural, I don't see how dried pig thyroids are synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid, but I synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid my doctor about it and he would not so much as talk synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid me about it.

Anybody out there on Armour thyroid?? Does it work better??? I had been on Armour thyroid for several years and it worked really well. Unfortunately, my last prescription was put on hold by /can-i-take-2-prilosec-10mg-high.html manufacturer and I have not been able to get it filled.

That was in July The pharmacist synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid the manufacturer has an indefinite hold on the drug. I have insomnia and anxiety synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid my blood tests look fine.

I'm not sure what to do now.

I've called the pharmacy several times synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid the last 4 months and Armour is still not available to the public. Makes not sense to me. If you are doing OK on Synthroid, I would stay on it. I have been on Armour synthroid thyroid for about 14 months.

I had been on Synthroid for quite a few years. I was going to a "diet doctor" who synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid trying synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid Armour.

Synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid

synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid My endocrinologist was not too happy about it, but she let me stay on it because I said that is what I wanted. I'm synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid sure why some docs don't like the Armour. The regular synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid could no longer get the Armour, so they suggested a compounding pharmacy--that is where I get it now.

Armour Thyroid vs Synthroid

I think that early on I medicine nature-thyroid tell a big difference in how Synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid medicine nature-thyroid, but now, I really don't know. I have lots of medical issues, and it is hard for me to figure out just what is going on with my body! I have been on Synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid for about 12 years and feel great.

I tried Synthroid before that and I didn't like how I felt.

I've had quite a time getting Armour because of the manufacturer continue reading which is ridiculous.

I'm on my fourth pharmacy since last summer. There's also a brand called 'Major' that is just as good as Armour, but that one seems to be less nature-thyroid. Only one of the pharmacies had nature-thyroid one. If I were you, Synthroid thyroid medicine give my sister a big hug. I am scheduled to see my holistic endocrinologist in two weeks takes that long for the results synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid my bloodwork and plan to ask for demand Armour or a compounded version of it, if it's still not available on the market.

Synthroid thyroid medicine nature-thyroid

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