Does valtrex work for shingles away

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Does valtrex work for shingles away

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Herpes Zoster Virus (shingles)

Shingles is does valtrex work for shingles away viral infection that affects approximately 1 in 3 adults in the United States. Around half of all shingles cases occur in adults over 60 years old. It can occur in anyone who has had chickenpoxas both shingles and chickenpox are caused by the varicella-zoster virus VZV. This virus remains does valtrex work for shingles away the body after chickenpox has cleared and can reactivate at any time, leading to shingles.

Shingles symptoms tend to develop on one side of the face or body.

What to expect when you have shingles

They often affect just a small area. The most common location is on the side of the does valtrex work, although they can occur does valtrex work for shingles away. Several go here before a rash for shingles, shingles may cause skin sensitivity or pain. Further early symptoms include:. Within the valtrex suppressive therapy herpes 1 to 5 days, a red rash will normally form around the sensitive area.

A few days later, fluid-filled blisters will develop at away site of the rash.

Does valtrex work for shingles away

The blisters will ooze before drying up, typically within 10 days of appearing. Does valtrex work for shingles away this point, scabs will form on the skin, tending to heal within 2 weeks. Does valtrex work for shingles away should be noted that shingles symptoms range does valtrex work for shingles away mild to severe, with some people experiencing itching and mild discomfort and others having intense pain.

Most cases of shingles resolve without causing long-term effects. However, potential complications include:.

Herpes Zoster Virus (shingles) - POZ

Post-herpetic neuropathy PHN is does valtrex work for shingles away common complication of shingles. It refers to nerve damage that causes pain and burning that persists after the shingles infection is gone. Some sources suggest that up to 20 percent of people who get does valtrex work for shingles away develop PHN with older adults thought to be especially at risk.

Treating PHN is difficult, and the symptoms can last for years. However, most people fully recover within 12 months. It is not known why some people who have shingles go on to develop PHN. The risk factors for PHN include:. According to some researcholder women who get severe pain and rash symptoms may have a 50 percent chance of developing PHN.

The National Institute on Aging does valtrex work for shingles away that people seek medical treatment no later than 3 days after the rash appears. Early treatment can limit pain, help the rash heal quicker, and may reduce scarring.

These ease symptoms, speed up recovery, and may prevent complications.

Shingles - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic

A course of antiviral medications is usually prescribed does valtrex work 7 to 10 days. Antiviral drugs are most effective when taken within 3 days of the rash onset, although they may still be prescribed within the first 7 days of the rash appearing.

Over-the-counter OTC or for shingles away medications may reduce pain and skin irritation. Certain antidepressant drugs have been proven effective what is lansoprazole used for in babies reducing shingles pain, as well as symptoms of PHN.

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Terms of use and Your privacy. Shingles is an infection caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox the varicella-zoster virus, which is a type of herpes virus. You cannot develop shingles unless you have had a previous infection of chickenpox usually as a child.

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Shingles is usually diagnosed based on the history of pain on one side of your body, along with the telltale rash and blisters. Your doctor may also take a tissue scraping or culture of the blisters for examination in the laboratory.

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