Colchicine is colchicine overdose benadryl for benadryl treatment of acute gout when non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated or colchicine overdose benadryl previously been unsuccessful.
Colchicine has a low threshold for toxicity and must be colchicine overdose with extreme care.
Colchicine is only indicated for intermittent use and patients will often initiate treatment themselves; therefore the potential exists for a severe drug interaction to occur. For patients with renal or hepatic impairment, concurrent administration of colchicine with strong CYP 3A4 colchicine overdose benadryl or P-gp inhibitors is contraindicated.
For patients with normal renal and hepatic function colchicine overdose benadryl reduction benadryl colchicine dose is recommended when concurrent treatment with a strong CYP 3A4 inhibitor or a P-gp inhibitor is required. Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors include protease inhibitors, imidazoles and clarithromycin; moderate inhibitors include simvastatin and erythromycin.
Symptoms of colchicine overdose toxicity may be delayed by up to 12 hours, therefore all patients who are suspected colchicine overdose benadryl taking an overdose should be referred for immediate medical assessment. All patients should be monitored for 24 hours.
Early symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, colchicine overdose benadryl and diarrhoea. Symptoms occurring after 1 to 7 days include: There is no specific antidote for colchicine toxicity; charcoal may be colchicine colchicine overdose benadryl benadryl, but treatment is supportive.
The Colgout data sheet is currently being updated to provide more information on interactions: The lowest /is-xenical-effective-for-weight-loss-tablets.html dose of colchicine should colchicine rosuvastatin 10 mg contents benadryl used and must not exceed benadryl mg over /flonase-tablets-7-little-words.html days.
Elderly patients and patients with hepatic or renal colchicine overdose benadryl are at higher risk of colchicine toxicity. Colchicine should not be used in patients with hepatic or renal impairment who are also taking CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein inhibitors. Patients need to be informed of the symptoms colchicine overdose benadryl overdose and colchicine overdose benadryl to seek medical assistance if they have concerns about the amount they have taken.
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Consumer information for this minor interaction is not currently available. Some minor drug interactions may not be clinically relevant in all patients. Minor drug interactions do not usually cause harm or require a change in therapy.
Colchicine is used mainly for the treatment and prevention of gout and for familial Mediterranean fever FMF. It has a narrow therapeutic index, with no clear-cut distinction between nontoxic, toxic, and lethal doses, causing substantial confusion among clinicians. Although colchicine poisoning is sometimes intentional, unintentional toxicity is common and often associated with a poor outcome.
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