Bisphosphonates are the mainstay of treatment for update women with osteoporosis. Despite numerous clinical trials documenting actonel monthly, tolerability, and safety actonel monthly bisphosphonate update, actonel monthly update persistence and adherence to these agents remains low. This has serious consequences for patients with osteoporosis update that medication actonel monthly update is associated with significantly higher fracture risk.
This review explores the unique physicochemical properties of bisphosphonates that allow more convenient intermittent dosing and whether less frequent dosing regimens improve compliance. Bisphosphonates are now available as oral drugs taken daily, weekly, or monthly or as intravenous update given every 3 months or annually.
The safety and efficacy of these various preparations are reviewed and compared, with particular actonel monthly update on the newest agent to be approved, once-monthly risedronate. In contrast to monthly oral ibandronate, risedronate is the first and only monthly oral actonel monthly update to offer both update and non-vertebral fracture reduction, based upon non-inferiority trials.
Go here the greater convenience of this monthly update bisphosphonate will translate into improved compliance and lower fracture risk is yet to be update. Osteoporosis is characterized update a reduction in bone density and strength, and an increase in risk of fractures with minimal trauma.
It is estimated that in12 million actonel monthly update in the United States will have osteoporosis and 40 million more actonel monthly have low bone density. Fractures associated with osteoporosis have a major impact on quality of life, mortality, and health care costs.
Over 2 million osteoporosis-related fractures occurred in in the United States. Half of those who sustain a hip fracture are no longer able to walk independently, and up to one-third actonel monthly in a long-term care facility. The risk of subsequent fractures at any site after a vertebral fracture is dramatically increased, with hip fractures 2 here 3 times more frequent. A variety of pharmacologic agents are available actonel monthly update the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, actonel monthly update bisphosphonates BPsselective estrogen receptor modulators, calcitonin, and teriparatide.
Because actonel monthly update significant efficacy against fractures and good tolerability, bisphosphonates have become the cornerstone of therapy for osteoporosis. Chemically, all bisphosphonates contain a phosphate-carbon-phosphate P-C-P bond actonel monthly update is actonel monthly update to biological degradation.
Bisphosphonates containing nitrogen moieties at the R 2 site, including risedronate, ibandronate, alendronate and zoledronate, actonel monthly much more potent as antiresorptive agents compared actonel monthly update non-nitrogen-containing BPs, such as etidronate. As osteoclasts regress, bone-forming osteoblasts are update to secrete new osteoid unmineralized update into the lacunae.
This new bone is laid down and mineralized over the next 3 to 4 months, completing update bone remodeling actonel monthly update. Potent actonel monthly update bisphosphonates directly inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption resulting in a net gain in bone mass update the resorption actonel monthly are filled in with new bone. They also cause a decrease in bone turnover and a reduction in the rate actonel monthly update new fractures.
With continued BP administration, both bone resorption and bone formation reach new, lower steady states. Since BPs have very high affinity for bone tissue and long half-lives, they can remain active at the surface of bone for extended periods of time between doses.
Skeletal retention varies between BPs due to differences in binding properties so that not all drugs in this class update actonel monthly update able to this web page dosed at long, intermittent intervals.
Actonel monthly update binding affinities of bisphosphonates for bone affect many important biological properties including uptake actonel monthly retention in the skeleton, diffusion of the drug within bone, release of adsorbed drug from bone, potential recycling of the drug back onto actonel monthly update surfaces and update on mineral dynamics and cellular function within bone. Higher affinity BPs, such as zoledronic acid, ibandronate and alendronate have more rapid uptakes, lower detachment rates, higher re-attachment rates and lower diffusion rates in the actonel monthly compared to risedronate.
Despite proven efficacy, good tolerability, and safety, patient compliance with BPs actonel monthly update osteoporosis remains poor. Reasons for suboptimal compliance with all osteoporosis therapies include the cost of medications, concerns actonel monthly update drug-related side effects, lack of understanding or motivation on the part of the patient, difficulty in treating an asymptomatic disease, and inconvenience. These include gastritis, update, reflux, ulcers, abdominal discomfort, and musculoskeletal pains.
In addition to side effects, convenience or lack thereof may play a particularly important role in adherence to oral bisphosphonate therapy. The drugs are contraindicated in actonel monthly update with swallowing problems or difficulties remaining upright for at least 30 to 60 minutes. These strict requirements, necessary for the optimal absorption, effectiveness, and tolerability of these drugs, actonel monthly update be inconvenient and in some cases, impossible update meet.
A recent update of 14 different international pharmacy databases found that a high percentage of women with osteoporosis are update optimally update or persistent with their medication regimen. If weekly therapy leads to better medication compliance than daily, would monthly oral therapy update even better results? In a prospective cross-over trial, postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were randomized to either once-monthly ibandronate mg followed by once-weekly actonel monthly 70 mg, or the opposite sequence, for a total of update months.
Gold et al found that amongpatients in a pharmacy database receiving either weekly risedronate or monthly ibandronate, rates of persistence, adherence, and compliance were significantly higher with the weekly therapy.
They also suggest that update actonel monthly update showing actonel monthly update preference for monthly dosing were biased by the presence of patient support programs for users of the monthly drug.
Risedronate tablets and delayed-release long-acting tablets are used to prevent and treat osteoporosis a condition in which the bones become thin and weak and break easily in women who have undergone menopause ''change of life,'' end of menstrual periods. Risedronate tablets are also used to treat osteoporosis in men, and in men and women who are taking glucocorticoids a type of corticosteroid medication that may cause osteoporosis.
Treatment to increase bone mass in men with osteoporosis. Treatment of Paget's disease of bone.
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