Not all esophageal cancers can be prevented, but the risk of developing this disease can be greatly good for by avoiding certain risk factors. In the United States, is nexium good for you cancer most important lifestyle risk factors for cancer of the esophagus are the use is nexium good for you cancer tobacco and alcohol.
Each of these factors alone increases the risk of esophageal cancer many times, and the risk is even greater if they are combined. Avoiding tobacco and alcohol is one of the best ways of limiting nexium risk of esophageal cancer.
If you or someone you know would like to quit tobacco, call us at or see Stay Away source Tobacco. Eating a healthy diet and staying at a healthy weight are also important.
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help protect source esophageal cancer. Obesity has been linked with esophageal cancer, particularly the adenocarcinoma type, so staying at a healthy weight may also help limit the risk of this disease. Surgery might also be an option for treating reflux if the reflux is not controlled is nexium good for you cancer medical therapy alone.
If dysplasia a pre-cancerous you cancer is found, the doctor may recommend treatments to keep it from developing into esophageal cancer.
If you have chronic heartburn or refluxtell your doctor. Treatment can often improve symptoms and might prevent future is nexium good for is nexium good for you cancer cancer. However, taking these drugs every day can lead to problems, such as kidney damage and bleeding link the stomach.
If you are thinking of taking an NSAID regularly, discuss the potential benefits and risks with your doctor first.
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