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Email Signup Zetia package insert Signup. The effectiveness of ezetimibe monotherapy for lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was used for south africa in a managed zetia package insert icd 10 population.

Effectiveness of Ezetimibe Monotherapy in Patients With Hypercholesterolemia

Barnes, SM; and Robert D. To evaluate the effectiveness of ezetimibe monotherapy for patients with zetia package insert icd 10 to very high—risk hypercholesterolemia zetia package insert icd 10 a managed care setting. Retrospective analysis using administrative claims data from a large, employer-sponsored, insurance-based medical, pharmacy, and laboratory database.

Zetia package insert icd 10

Patients with newly insert icd lled prescriptions for zetia package insert icd 10 were identifi ed from July 1,through December 31, Patients were insured health plan members 18 years old or older with pharmacy benefi ts who were continuously enrolled for 6 months before and 3 months after initiating ezetimibe.

The Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to evaluate changes in lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C measurements. Zetia package insert icd 10 to ezetimibe was estimated from prescription refills.

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The average percent LDL-C decline within 1 to 3 months of initiating ezetimibe was Ezetimibe is an effective LDL-C—lowering agent in patients with moderate- to very high—risk hypercholesterolemia, including diabetics, in a managed care setting.

It may offer an alternative for statin-intolerant patients. Am Zetia package insert icd 10 Pharm Benefits. Although the death rates from coronary heart disease CHD have declined over the years, CHD is still the leading cause of mortality in the United States.

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Insert icd without CHD risk equivalents are at moderate risk, and patients with zero to one risk factor are in the lowest-risk group. Factors such as population heterogeneity, patient adherence, and actual costs of treatment to the patient all contribute to the discrepancy seen between efficacy and effectiveness studies. Although these medications provide some reduction in LDL-C levels, the major barrier to zetia package insert icd 10 use is lack of patient compliance due to a range of associated side effects.

Ezetimibe has a mechanism of action different from that of other currently available lipid-lowering medications in that it aims to block cholesterol absorption at the intestinal brush border to reduce LDL-C levels without affecting absorption of icd, lipid-soluble vitamins, or most concurrently administered medications.

Zetia package insert icd 10 monotherapy significantly reduced mean LDL-C by Ezetimibe was well tolerated, with a safety profile similar to that of placebo. In this study, we examined LDL-C lowering by ezetimibe monotherapy in a managed care population to assess its effectiveness compared with the results obtained in clinical trials.

Study Population Patients with newly zetia package insert icd zetia package insert icd 10 prescriptions for ezetimibe were identified from July 1,through December 31, The period of study was from 6 months prior to the index date the index date was the date of the first claim for ezetimibe to 3 zetia package following the index date.

Effectiveness of Ezetimibe Monotherapy in Patients With Hypercholesterolemia

The length of time a patient was treated was variable between the zetia package insert icd 10 and postindex dates. A subcohort of patients with diabetes also was investigated. The study sample was selected from the population of insured health plan members age 18 years or older who had pharmacy benefits and were continuously enrolled throughout the study period.

All patients /does-reglan-cause-diarrhea-qt-prolongation.html in the study had no previous claim for lipid-lowering therapy for at least 6 months prior to the index date, at least 1 LDL-C insert icd within 6 months prior to the index date, and at least 1 LDL-C measurement between 1 and 3 months zetia package insert icd 10 the /what-is-lansoprazole-used-for-in-babies.html date, and they had no change in their treatment regimen between the index date and the first posttreatment LDL-C measurement months

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