What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months

Now, a decade later, I felt able to agree with a sensible, business-like psychiatrist that my life was at last stable and that I what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months mature enough to cope without the help of lithium.

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We agreed that I would lower the dose from mg to nothing, lowering it by mg every two months, under the guidance of a counsellor. Only a handful of check this out friends knew about the decision, because there is in society an irrational fear of any kind of mental illness and I didn't know if cutting down would take me back to hospital. So I quietly went about reducing the dose, and waited nervously to see what would happen.

For what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months a week, nothing did.

What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months

Then there were two /nexium-24-500.html of mild mania, when my heartbeat raced and I felt abnormally hyper. This was followed by about a week of strange ghosts and weird dreams. Then all was golden happiness.

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This pattern repeated itself every time I lowered the dose. During this first phase I woke in the darkness, my heart racing.

What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months

Eventually I overcame the panic by repeating to myself very firmly, 'You are not God. Some psychiatrists believe that manic depressives have not progressed /dulcolax-other-names-side-effects.html the stage of emotional development where they still believe that they are the centre of the universe.

What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months

Perhaps this explains it. Experts believe that lithium acts by screening off part of the brain, so that when you stop taking it, thoughts, feelings and memories come flooding back.

How will I feel when I take lithium?

One afternoon I was resting when suddenly a black, sooty what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months floated before my mind. I saw someone I hadn't seen for years, not since I started taking lithium. What I saw was the man that sexually abused me while I was what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months a psychiatric hospital. He travelled across my mind like a small what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months lump actually there in my brain. I acknowledged his existence, and for one moment I relived the horror of that time.

Then he passed by and was gone. It was as though the part of my mind that remembered had been closed off for many years. As I cut down the lithium dose, a door opened. Hence this flashback to being abused.

Lithium: The pursuit of happiness | From the Observer | The Guardian

When my brain was unclogged from lithium, old experiences were released into my conscious mind. It was an exciting process of rediscovery. Coping with coming off lithium was only manageable because of the counselling I had received. I had a very capable Catholic counsellor, Elizabeth from YES Youth Emotional Supportwho diagnosed me as suffering from repressed grief from childhood.

Born in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, my family left because my father was on a terrorist list for assassination. My brother was sent away to school at the age of nine, my mother and I went to live in an isolated house in England, while my father continued to work in Ireland for some years.

I missed Ireland and my brother dreadfully, click the following article href="/propecia-breast-cancer-early.html">propecia breast cancer early somehow I learned in childhood that these feelings of grief were unacceptable.

When What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months was 15, I started having tension headaches, fainting fits and feeling a terrible sense of being somehow evil and different from other people. At 16, I went into overdrive and tried to become perfect at everything. I went for weeks without sleeping, and my behaviour became increasingly irrational. I constantly felt, and kept what does lithium do to a normal person 9 months myself, that What does lithium do to a normal person 9 months quiz actos generic name something terrible.

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Despite its virtually universal acceptance as the gold standard in treating bipolar disorder, prescription rates for lithium have been decreasing recently. Although this observation is multifactorial, one obvious potential contributor is the side effect and toxicity burden associated with lithium. Additionally, side effect concerns assuredly play some role in lithium nonadherence.

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