Trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects

Trazodone Side Effects in Detail -

Medically reviewed on Jun 7, Commonly reported side effects of trazodone include: Other side effects include: See below for a comprehensive list of adverse effects. Along with its reactions zoloft effects, trazodone may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects may need medical attention. Check with your doctor immediately if any of the following side effects occur while taking trazodone:.

Some side effects of trazodone may occur that usually do not need medical attention. trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects

Trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects

These side effects may go away trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your trazodone adverse reactions care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent trazodone adverse reduce some of these side effects.

Trazodone, Oral Tablet

Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if trazodone adverse have any questions about them:. For Healthcare Professionals Applies to trazodone: The most reactions zoloft side reported side effects included effects, dry mouth, dizziness, and lightheadedness. Decreased concentration, head full-heavy, incoordination, syncopetremor. Akathisia, altered taste, convulsion, decreased alertness, dystoniaexpressive aphasia, impaired memory, impaired /zantac-24-tablets-benefits-in-urdu.html, memory disturbance, motor impairment, neuroleptic effects syndrome, numbness, effects, serotonin syndromevertigo.

Aphasia, ataxia, cerebrovascular accidentextrapyramidal symptoms, grand mal seizuresstupor, tardive dyskinesia [ Ref ]. Drowsiness has occurred during the first few days of treatment, and usually disappeared with continue administration.

Trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects

Dyspepsiaflatulencegastroenteritishypersalivation, increased salivation, paralytic ileusstomach pain. Increased amylase [ Ref trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects. Bradycardiacardiac arrhythmias, chest pain, ECG abnormalities, increased reactions zoloft side of bleeding, orthostatic hypotensionpalpitationspremature ventricular beats, QT prolongation, sinus bradycardia, tachycardiaTorsade zoloft side pointes, ventricular couplets, ventricular tachycardia.

Atrial fibrillationside effects link, conduction block, congestive heart failuremyocardial infarction, vasodilation, ventricular ectopic activity [ Ref ].

Angle-closure glaucomamyoclonus.

Trazodone Side Effects

Diplopia [ Ref ]. Abnormal dreams, paranoid reaction, psychoses [ Ref ]. Chills, effects death [ Ref ]. Anorexia, hyponatremiaincreased appetite [ Ref ]. Nasal congestionsinus congestion.

Trazodone and Zoloft Drug Interactions -

Dyspneashortness of breath. Apnea [ Trazodone adverse ]. Hyperhidrosispruritusclick here rash. Alopeciahirsutismleuconychia, psoriasisurticaria [ Ref ].

Drug interactions between trazodone and Zoloft

Delayed urine flow, early menses, hematuriaimpotenceincreased urinary frequencymicturition disorders, effects /what-is-antivert-25-mg-used-for-gout.html, priapismretrograde ejaculation. Breast engorgement, breast enlargement, clitorism, lactation, urinary incontinenceurinary retention [ Ref ]. Cholestasis intrahepatic, elevated liver trazodone adverse reactions zoloft side effects hepatitis, hepatic failure with potentially fatal outcome, hepatic function abnormalities, hepatitis, hepatocellular damage, jaundicesevere hepatic disorders.

Cholestasis, hyperbilirubinemialiver enzyme alterations [ Ref ].

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