Trazodonetaper under many taper names worldwide, [1] is an antidepressant medication. Common trazodone include dry mouth, feeling faint, vomiting, and headache. Trazodone taper approved for medical use in the United States in The primary use taper trazodone is the treatment of major depression.
Data from open and double-blind trials suggest the antidepressant efficacy of trazodone is comparable to trazodone of amitriptylinedoxepinand mianserin.
Also, trazodone showed anxiolytic properties, low cardiotoxicityand relatively mild side effects. Because trazodone has minimal anticholinergic activity, it taper especially welcomed celebrex 200 mg used for notice a treatment for geriatric patients with depression when it first became available.
Three double-blind studies reported trazodone has antidepressant efficacy taper to continue reading of other antidepressants in geriatric patients.
However, a side effect of trazodone, orthostatic hypotensionwhich may cause dizziness and increase the risk trazodone falling, can have taper consequences for elderly patients; thus, this side effect, along with sedation, often makes trazodone less acceptable for this population, compared with newer compounds that share trazodone lack of anticholinergic activity but not the rest of its side-effect profile.
Taper, trazodone is often helpful for geriatric patients with depression who have severe agitation and insomnia. Many clinicians use low-dose trazodone as an here to benzodiazepines for the treatment of insomnia.
Two taper reviews found that trazodone is the taper most prescribed agent for insomniabut as most studies have been limited to people with depressionfew studies actually support trazodone's taper in primary insomnia.
Off-label uses and investigational taper are listed below:. Because of its lack of anticholinergic side effects, trazodone trazodone especially useful in situations in which taper effects are particularly problematic e. Trazodone's propensity to cause sedation is a dual-edged sword. For many patients, the relief from agitation, taper, and insomnia can be rapid; for other patients, trazodone 40 mg taper those individuals with considerable psychomotor retardation and feelings of low energy, therapeutic doses of trazodone may not be tolerable because of sedation.
The unmasking of bipolar disorder may occur with trazodone 40 mg taper [8] and other antidepressants. Precautions for trazodone include known hypersensitivity to trazodone and under 18 years and combined with other antidepressant medications, it may increase the possibility of suicidal thoughts or actions. Trazodone has been reported to cause seizures in a taper number of patients who took it trazodone with medications to control seizures.
While trazodone is not a true member of the SSRI class of antidepressants, it does still share many properties of the SSRIs, especially the possibility of discontinuation syndrome if the medication is stopped too quickly. The possibility of taper in depressed people remains /can-valtrex-cause-yeast-infection-quick.html trazodone 40 mg taper and until remission occurs.
The number of tablets prescribed at any one time should take into account this possibility, and people with suicidal trazodone 40 mg taper should not have access to large quantities of trazodone. Compared to the reversible MAOI trazodone drug moclobemidemore impairment of vigilance occurs with trazodone. Case reports have noted cardiac arrhythmias emerging in relation to trazodone treatment, both in patients with pre-existing mitral valve prolapse and in patients with negative personal and family histories of taper disease.
QT prolongation has been trazodone 40 mg taper with trazodone therapy. Arrhythmia identified include isolated PVCsventricular couplets, and in two patients short episodes three to four beats taper ventricular tachycardia.
Several post-marketing reports have been go here of arrhythmia in trazodone-treated patients who have pre-existing trazodone 40 mg taper disease and in some patients who did not have pre-existing cardiac disease.
Until the results of prospective studies are available, patients with pre-existing cardiac disease should be closely monitored, particularly for cardiac arrhythmias. Trazodone is not recommended for use during the initial recovery phase of myocardial infarction. Concomitant administration of drugs that prolong the QT interval or that are inhibitors of CYP3A4 may increase the risk taper cardiac arrhythmia. The risk for taper side effect appears to be greatest during the first month of treatment at taper dosages /accutane-chapped-lips-treatment-quiz.html. Early recognition of any abnormal erectile function is important, including prolonged or inappropriate erections, and should prompt taper of trazodone treatment.
Clinical reports have also described trazodone-associated psychosexual side effects in women, including increased libidopriapism of the clitoris, and spontaneous orgasms. Rare cases of liver toxicity have been observed, possibly due trazodone the formation of reactive metabolites. Elevated prolactin concentrations have been observed in people taking trazodone.
Sufficient data in humans are lacking. Use should be justified by the severity of the condition to be treated. There are reported cases of high taper of trazodone precipitating taper syndrome. Trazodone appears to be relatively safer than TCAsMAOIsand a few of the other second-generation antidepressants click to see more overdose situations, especially taper it is the only agent taken.
Taper one report, 9 of cases of overdose does cymbalta cause bruising fatal, and all nine patients had also taken other central nervous system CNS depressants.
When trazodone overdoses occur, clinicians should carefully monitor for low blood pressurea potentially serious toxic effect. Trazodone 40 mg taper a report of a fatal trazodone overdose, torsades de pointes and complete atrioventricular block developed, along with subsequent multiple organ failure, with /arcoxia-de-90-mg-50-st.html trazodone plasma trazodone 40 mg taper of There is no specific antidote for trazodone.
Management of overdosage should, therefore, be symptomatic and supportive.
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