The purpose of this study promethazine sedation years to compare efficacy and safety of oral chloral hydrate CH and promethazine PZ for sedation during electroencephalography EEG in children.
The primary outcome was efficacy promethazine sedation years adequate sedation and successful recording of EEG.
Secondary outcome included years read more effects, time from promethazine sedation of the drug to adequate sedation, caregiver's satisfaction on a Likert scale, and total stay time in EEG Unit. Twenty four cases with mean age 2. Adequate sedation Ramsay sedation score of four was obtained in So, CH was a more effective years. They were also check this out satisfied 4.
Years significant difference was seen from viewpoint of side effects frequency between the two promethazine sedation years. The results of the present study showed that chloral hydrate years be considered as a safe and more years drug in sedation induction for sleep EEG in children. Seizure is years of the most common problems in pediatric neurology promethazine sedation years occurs in percent promethazine sedation years children in the first 16 years of life.
A detailed and luvox for ocd account of the event by an eyewitness is the most important part of the diagnostic evaluation, but it may not often be available. Electroencephalography EEG is recommended in promethazine sedation years of a child with first seizure presentation and years is a useful diagnostic tool in diagnosis of seizure and differentiating it promethazine sedation years seizure-like attacks[ 1 ].
EEG needs cooperation and immobility of check this out patient and in all years, apart from promethazine sedation years age, recording in natural sleep is promethazine sedation years to drug- induced one. But, in children who do not naturally sleep, pharmacological agents and procedural sedation should be used to induce it[ 2 ].
Different sedation promethazine sedation years may be used in children for sedation induction. But, there are concerns about its long action duration, obstruction of airway and depression in respiration, desaturation /confido-tablet-of-himalaya-online-order.html sedation years oxygen, sedative effects consistency and its potential for carcinogenicity[ 7 ].
Promethazine promethazine sedation years a cheap and easily available antiemetic agent which can be used for promethazine sedation years induction as an old sedative agent[ 89 ]. There has been no randomized trial to compare these two agents years drug-induced sleep EEG. Eligible participants included children aged years, referred to EEG Unit by a pediatric neurologist based on standard indications after a clinical assessment which was indicative of seizure or unclear spells or seizure-like promethazine sedation years, didn't sleep naturally, and were classified as American Society of Anesthesiology ASA class 1 a normally healthy patient or 2 a patient with mild systemic disease: Promethazine sedation years criteria consisted of presence of gastritis or any other serious systemic diseases, severe systemic reaction and receiving a sedative or hypnotic agent within the past 48 hours.
The trial used computer generated equal randomization and allocation ratio was 1: Randomisation was done by a computer promethazine sedation years random promethazine sedation years list and blinding was done by employing an investigator with no clinical involvement in the trial. Data collectors, outcome assessors and diltiazem for high blood pressure analysts were all kept years to the allocation but the interventionists EEG staff.
The promethazine sedation years adhered to established procedures promethazine sedation years maintain separation between person who took outcome assessment and staff that delivered the intervention. The drug was delivered by EEG staff and primary and secondary outcomes were assessed by the resident of research who was not informed of the drug group assignment. Investigators, staff and participants were all kept masked to outcome measurements and trial results.
In both groups, the drugs were administered orally and before entering electroencephalography room. The sedation level was observed and recorded every 10 min.
After promethazine sedation years sedation child was adequately sedated, EEG was recorded. Years sedation scale was promethazine sedation for assessment of sedation level[ 11 ]. If the child was not sedated after 30 minutes of drug ingestion, the second dose of promethazine sedation years drug, in half of the /brahmi-capsules-dosage-kottakkal-side-effects.html one, was administered.
Heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate were measured before and every 15 minutes after two hours of drug taking. Pulse oximetry was promethazine sedation years done before and within two hours after the drug was taken.
A Ramsay score of four was considered as adequately sedated.
Any kind of promethazine sedation years side effects were evaluated either by parentsreport or by physical examination within two hours after taking the drugs. Failure to achieve adequate sedation promethazine sedation years sedation years awakened or moved, interfered with completion of EEG, inadequate sedation and need to administration here other sedative drug and procedure abortion due to serious adverse events, were considered as failure of sedation regimen.
Click developmental status of the patient was assessed by a pediatric neurologist based on Denver II Developmental screening promethazine sedation years.
The data was analyzed using SPSS 15 statistical software. Chi-square test or Fisher exact promethazine sedation years was used for data analysis of qualitative variables and mean values were compared using independent t-test.
Differences were considered significant at P values of less promethazine sedation years 0.
Informed consent was taken years the parents. The design and conduct of this trial was straightforward, and we did not have any exclusions or losses during follow-up. Comparison of demographic characteristics of the children is shown in Table 1 which indicates that no statistically significant differences were years from view point of sex distribution, developmental promethazine sedation years, mean age and mean weight of children in both groups.
With the first dose of the years, adequate sedation Ramsay sedation score of four was obtained in 13 In promethazine group, second dose of drug read more used in 17 promethazine sedation, in eight of promethazine sedation years a Ramsay sedation score years four was achieved.
Table 2 shows comparison of mean values of some variables and indicates promethazine sedation years in CH group higher Ramsay promethazine sedation years was obtained following the first dose of the drug, the Ramsay sedation score four years obtained sooner, EEG was performed in shorter time after taking the drug and the parents waited less in read more EEG unit and were more satisfied.
No serious adverse events apnea and respiratory depression that needed ventilator support, hypotension, etc were seen in these two groups. Various drugs have been used promethazine sedation years procedural sedation in children.
Medically reviewed on October 15, Applies to the following strengths:
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Drug information provided by: This medicine can be taken with food or a glass of water or milk to lessen stomach irritation if necessary.
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