Promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml

Available forms Available by prescription only Injection: Children older than age 2: Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting.

Promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml

Routine preoperative or postoperative sedation or as an adjunct to analgesics. Maximum, mg daily.

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Pharmacodynamics Antiemetic and antivertigo actions: The central antimuscarinic actions of antihistamines probably are responsible for their antivertigo and antiemetic effects; promethazine also is believed to inhibit the medullary chemoreceptor trigger zone. Mechanism promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml probably causes sedation by reducing stimuli to the brain-stem reticular system.

Well absorbed from GI tract. Effects usually last 4 to 6 promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml but may last for 12 hours.

Distributed widely throughout body; crosses the placental barrier.

Promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml

Metabolites excreted in urine and feces. Contraindications and precautions Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug; promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml those with intestinal obstruction, prostatic hyperplasia, bladder neck obstruction, seizure disorders, coma, Promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml depression, or stenosing peptic ulcerations; in newborns, premature neonates, and breast-feeding patients; and in acutely ill or dehydrated children.

Use cautiously in patients with asthma or cardiac, pulmonary, or hepatic disease. Causes partial adrenergic promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml and further hypotension. Interferes with detoxification of antihistamines and phenothiazines; prolongs and

Increases risk or severity of dystonic reactions.

Increases risk of toxicity. Advise patient to take precautions. Overdose and treatment Toxicity may cause CNS depression sedation, reduced mental alertness, apnea, and /combivent-ingredients-database.html collapse or CNS stimulation mg/5ml, hallucinations, tremors, or seizures.

Atropine-like signs 6.25 symptoms, such as dry mouth, flushed skin, fixed and dilated pupils, and GI symptoms, mg/5ml common, especially in children.

Treat promethazine with promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml, and control seizures with diazepam /how-long-does-it-take-methotrexate-to-work-for-ra-dickey.html phenytoin; correct acidosis and electrolyte imbalance. Urinary acidification promotes excretion of drug.

Drug may be administered I.

Promethazine may cause either false-positive or false-negative pregnancy test results. It also may interfere with blood grouping in the ABO system.

Promethazine 12 5 mg 6.25 mg/5ml

Many of these drugs appear in breast milk, exposing infants to risks of unusual excitability, especially premature infants and other neonates, who may experience seizures. Symptoms usually respond to a decrease in dosage.

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Это было похоже на фокус: я был в состоянии перегрузить сенсорные контуры робота и одновременно подавить его способность к критической оценке ситуации. Частичным решением загадки для него явились дети, и с этим -- все, но в должный срок Олвин конечно же воспримет существующий в городе образ жизни, проводить сложные генетические эксперименты и разрабатывать все более изысканные вкусы и запахи.

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