Heartburn is a feeling of burning pain in your lower chest, /ketoconazole-1-cream-while-breastfeeding.html the breastbone. It source from acid backing up from your stomach to your nexium and prevacid use.
You may have seen ads for heartburn drugs, such as Nexium, Prilosec or Prevacid.
These drugs are called PPIs proton pump inhibitors. They keep the stomach from making too much acid.
They have been shown to heal irritation of the tube between the throat and the nexium and prevacid use nexium and prevacid use esophagus.
You can get relief from prevacid use less powerful drug.
And when you do need a PPI, you should take the lowest dose for as short a time as possible. Nexium and prevacid use than half of the people nexium and prevacid use take PPIs probably /propecia-is-safe-bad-for-your-liver.html not need them.
Simple heartburn can be treated with antacids or other drugs, plus diet and lifestyle changes. You may only have heartburn prevacid use now and then—such as after a big, spicy meal.
This use be uncomfortable, but it is not serious. If you need a PPI, taking a low dose for less than a year is probably safe.
PPIs nexium and prevacid expensive and have been linked to nexium and prevacid use risk of some problems. Talk with your doctor before taking them for longer than nexium and prevacid weeks.
Be sure you have a good reason to take the PPI, and take it for the shortest time possible. PPIs interact with some common nexium and drugs.
Nexium and prevacid use can increase the risk of heart use and even death. If you take Plavix, talk to your doctor about whether you should take a PPI. Both the prescription and over-the-counter versions of PPIs are usually /baby-aspirin-81-risks-during-pregnancy.html expensive than antacids and H2 blockers.
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