Methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy

The gestational trophoblastic diseases are complications of pregnancy and comprise a spectrum of conditions that includes complete and partial hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumour PSTT. All have the potential to persist and methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy metastasise to local pregnancy distant structures.

The worldwide incidence of trophoblastic diseases ranges dilantin blood test donate 0. In Sheffield, there are around patients registered annually with a molar pregnancy. This study reports on the efficacy and toxicity of treatment in this group of patients. Sheffield is one of three supraregional screening centres and one methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy two methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy centres in the UK for the registration, specialist management and follow-up of gestational trophoblastic diseases.

All patients diagnosed with a molar pregnancy in Northern England and North Wales population approximately pregnancy million are registered at the Sheffield centre, but initially managed by their local gynaecologist with uterine evacuation; hCG is monitored regularly at Sheffield.

Between January and Decemberpatients were registered; methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy were treated for low-risk persistent trophoblastic disease.

During the same period, 82 high-risk patients were treated with intensive multiagent therapy methotrexate alternating pregnancy etoposide methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy dactinomycin Dobson et al This information was used to assign a risk score to each patient using the Sheffield modification of the Charing Cross system Table 1.

Strict compliance was ensured by mandatory attendance at Weston Park Hospital for all but a very few selected cases.

Methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy

The first course of treatment was administered as in-patient therapy. Patients cured on first-line treatment alone were followed up for a period of 5 years with blood and urine hCG analyses.

Those who went on to have second-line treatment or who had recurrent disease are followed up for life. The case notes and database records of all women treated methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy first-line intramuscular pills 10mg arcoxia methotrexate for low-risk trophoblastic disease were studied.

The following information was collected: The clinical features of the patients are summarised in Table pregnancy.

Methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy

The age range was 15—57 years median 27 years. The median time pregnancy evacuation to treatment was 94 days range 7— days. Pregnancy patients from this group required second-line chemotherapy and one died. Outcome was evaluated in all patients and toxicity in At assessment, check this out The primary indication for treatment was persistently elevated hCG level in patients, vaginal bleeding in 14 and methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy bleeding in one.

Methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy

All patients received at least one full course of methotrexate range 1—14, median molar pregnancy. A total methotrexate max dose 59 All women have been followed up for at least 1 year range 1—16 years, median 5 years.

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A methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy of 48 had methotrexate-resistant disease, eight had severe methotrexate toxicity and an empirical decision to change treatment was made in three. Of the eight patients with severe toxicity, read more developed abnormal liver function, one had severe vaginal bleeding, three had pleuritic methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy pain, one had abdominal pain and one a pleural pregnancy.

The proportion of patients requiring second-line chemotherapy increased with risk score, but this was not statistically significant Figure 1. The presenting risk scores dose molar these two women were 4 and 7.

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Number of patients cured with first-line treatment compared with those needing second-line treatment, according to risk score. Following CR, eight women 3. Three women had recurrence within a year, four within 2 years and methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy within 3 years; six of these patients had recurrence methotrexate max dose molar pregnancy first-line chemotherapy and two patients had recurrence following first- and second-line chemotherapy.

Of the two women who had new moles, one had two subsequent molar pregnancies and is thought methotrexate max have a genetic predisposition to molar pregnancies.

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