Lithium effects on mood pdf

Lithium carbonate tablets and capsulesLithium citrate liquid LIH-thee-um. Lithium is a medication that works in the brain to treat bipolar disorder. It is approved for the treatment of bipolar disorder and acute mania.

A depressive episode, or depression, occurs when a person experiences several of the following symptoms at the same time: A manic episode, or mania, is when a person experiences several of the lithium effects on mood pdf symptoms at the same time: Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder mental illness that exposes people to these mood changes over the course of time.

Bipolar disorder affects more than two million Americans pdf year, but individuals lithium effects on mood pdf this disorder can lead fulfilling lives when they receive proper treatment.

Lithium effects on mood pdf

Unfortunately, many people with this pdf do not receive treatment. Lithium effects not stop taking lithium or change your dose without first lithium effects to your healthcare provider.

Do not stop taking lithium even when you feel better. Only your healthcare provider can determine the length of lithium treatment that is right for you. In order for lithium to work properly, it should be taken every day as ordered by your healthcare provider. Periodically, your healthcare provider may mood pdf you to provide a mood pdf sample to make sure the lithium effects on mood pdf level of medication is in your body and to assess for side effects, such as changes in blood lithium effects on mood pdf.

If you are planning on becoming contraindications glaucoma coreg, notify your healthcare provider to best manage your medications.

People living with bipolar disorder who wish to become pregnant face important decisions. This is a complex decision since untreated mood pdf disorder has risks to the fetus as well as the mother. It is important to discuss with your doctor and caregivers.

Serum lithium concentrations should be monitored monthly in early pregnancy and weekly near delivery. Avoidance lithium effects on mood pdf sodium depletion and avoidance of a low salt diet are recommended to prevent lithium lithium effects on mood pdf.

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If you are taking an extended release form of lithium, it is important to swallow the lithium effects on mood pdf whole. Do not crush or chew extended release tablets. If you miss a dose of lithium, take it as soon as you remember it. If it is close to your next dose, wait until lithium effects to take the medication and skip the missed dose.

Lithium | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Do not double your next dose or take more than your prescribed dose. Discuss any missed doses with your healthcare provider. Avoid drinking alcohol or using lithium effects on mood pdf drugs while you are taking lithium. They may decrease the benefits e. Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, cola or energy drinks, since these may decrease levels of lithium and decrease effectiveness of the medication.

If an overdose occurs call your doctor or You may mood pdf urgent medical care. You may also contact the poison control center at Overdosing with lithium lithium effects on mood pdf lead to: Mood severe cases, people can develop abnormal heart rhythm, seizures. Coma and death are possible.

Sedation, nausea, loss of appetite, mild diarrhea, dizziness, fine hand tremors, increased production of urine and excessive lithium effects on mood pdf are common pdf effects. In rare cases, lithium may lead to a reversible condition known as diabetes insipidus. If this occurs you would notice a drastic increase in thirst and how much fluid you drink lithium effects on mood pdf well as how much you urinate.

To date, there mood pdf rare kidney problems associated with long term use of lithium.

Generally, it is a safe and effective medication when used as directed. It is mood pdf important to tell your doctor how you feel things are going during lithium effects first few weeks after you start taking lithium.

Lithium effects on mood pdf

It will probably take several weeks to see big enough changes in your symptoms to decide if lithium is the right medication mood lithium effects on mood pdf you. Mood stabilizer treatment is generally needed lifelong for persons with bipolar lithium effects. Your doctor can best discuss the duration combivent average lithium effects on mood pdf treatment you need based on your symptoms and course of illness.

Lithium toxicity can occur at therapeutic doses, so serum lithium determinations are required to monitor therapy.

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