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Back to Health A-Z. Antifungal medicines are used to treat fungal infections, which most commonly affect lamisil tablets skin, hair and nails.

Fungal nail infection

You can get some antifungal medicines over the counter from your pharmacy, but you may need a prescription from your GP for other types. Less commonly, there are also more serious fungal infections that develop deep inside not working lamisil tablets uk not working tissues, which may lamisil tablets uk not working to be treated in hospital.

Lamisil tablets uk not working

You're more at risk of getting one lamisil tablets uk not working these more serious fungal infections if you have a weakened immune system — for example, if you're taking medicines to suppress your immunity. See a pharmacist or GP if you think you click the following article a fungal infection.

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They will advise you on which antifungal medicine to take and how to take or use it. See below for some questions you may want to ask them. The patient information leaflet that comes with your medicine will also contain click here on using lamisil tablets uk not working medicine.

Speak to your pharmacist or GP if you accidentally take too much of your antifungal medicine.

Lamisil tablets uk not working

If you're advised to go to hospital, take lamisil tablets uk not working medicine's packaging with you so the healthcare professionals who treat lamisil tablets uk not working know what you've taken.

You can also check the patient information leaflet that comes with your antifungal medicine for more information.

Antifungal medicines

Your antifungal medicine may cause side effects. These are usually mild and only last for a short period of time. Stop using not working medicine if you have these severe side effects, and see your GP or pharmacist to find an alternative. If you suspect that a medicine has made you unwell, you can report this side effect through the Yellow Card Lamisil tablets uk not working. Some antifungal medicines can be used on children and babies — for example, miconazole oral gel can be lamisil tablets uk not working to treat oral thrush in babies.

But different doses are usually needed for children of different lamisil tablets uk not working.

Antifungal medicines - NHS

Ask a pharmacist or speak to your GP for more advice. Skip to main content. Check here for alerts.

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This leaflet has been written to help you understand more about fungal infections of the nails. It tells you what they are, what causes them, what can be done about them, and where you can find out more information about them.

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The following information is NOT intended to endorse drugs or recommend therapy. While these reviews might be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, skill, knowledge and judgement of healthcare practitioners in patient care. I tried various home remedies and topical treatments over the years with no success.

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Back to Health A-Z. Fungal nail infections are common. They're not serious but they can take a long time to treat.

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