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It was first discovered inand later in it was found to be effective against tuberculosis. Isoniazid is never used isoniazid price kit its own to treat active tuberculosis because resistance quickly develops. The compound was first synthesised in the early 20th century, but its activity against tuberculosis was first reported in the early 's and three pharmaceutical companies attempted unsuccessfully to simultaneously patent the drug most prominently, Roche, who launched their version, Rimifon, in With the isoniazid price kit of isoniazid, a cure for tuberculosis was first considered reasonable.
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Nausea, vomiting and stomach distress. Anemia, decrease in platelets and eosinophilia. Fever and skin eruptions.
Isoniazid is a member of the hydrazide derivatives drug class and is commonly used for Mycobacterium kansasii, Tuberculosis - Active, Tuberculosis - Latent and others. This isoniazid price guide is based on using the Drugs.
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