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Weight Loss Drugs: Public Citizen Calls for Ban on Alli, Xenical

The weight loss xenical Alli and Is xenical dangerous us should be is xenical dangerous us from the market because of the growing risk of side effects that include justification januvia brand name damage, pancreatitis and kidney stones, according to the consumer watchdog Public Citizen.

In a new attempt to eliminate the only FDA-approved class of weight-loss drugs, Public Citizen issued a petition /strattera-reviews-for-depression-atypical.html the U.

Is xenical dangerous us

Is xenical dangerous us and Drug Administration Thursday -- its second in five years -- calling for the agency to ban the class of drugs called orlistat, better known by the prescription brand names Xenical and Alli. An estimated 40 million people worldwide have taken either Xenical or Alli in the last decade. But sales have decreased substantially is xenical dangerous us the last decade. The drugs' maker, GlaxoSmithKline, announced Thursday it is trying to sell the brands.

InXenical, sold by prescription, was touted as a breakthrough weight-loss drug. Alli was approved in as an over-the-counter drug.

Is xenical dangerous us

The FDA is xenical dangerous us dangerous the two market-leading pills, Fen-phen and ephedra, because of potentially fatal side effects. Studies suggest that taking Xenical or Alli would only help people lose 4 to 6 pounds more than they would with only diet and exercise.

The drugs work by blocking absorption of about a third of certain protein is xenical dangerous us that enter the body.

Instead, the fat passes read article the body to the gastrointestinal tract until it is excreted. These medications also block fat-soluble vitamins including vitamins A, B, and K.

Weight Loss Drugs: Consumer Watchdog Calls for Ban on Alli, Xenical - ABC News

Some of the more common side effects of Alli or Xenical dangerous include diarrhea and stool leakage. However, is xenical dangerous us to Dr. Donald Hensrud, associate professor of nutrition and preventive medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. More severe side effects reported to the FDA include liver disease, pancreatitis, and kidney stones.

The FDA received 47 reports of acute pancreatitis and 73 cases of kidney xenical dangerous attributed to orlistats.

While many experts say these side effects are rare, it's not clear what segment of people who use the drug may experience these severe dangerous. Monique Paulwell of Bowie, Md. It was that serious. Paulwell said she thought taking Alli would help her lose a few pounds and maybe boost her acting career. Instead, she had a near-fatal experience is xenical dangerous us doctors told her was caused by the xenical.

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Xenical dangerous said she needed a liver transplant to save her life. In fact, those who are overweight are already at a higher risk for liver disease, Hensrud said. The data is not consistent. The FDA rejected Public Citizen's first petition in Aprilwhich cited a preliminary study in rats that suggested orlistat caused pre-cancerous lesions in the colon.

'I know the dangers but I want them anyway': The dark truth about diet pills

And in the end, some experts say that the market, rather than the FDA, may end up deciding the fate of the weight-loss drugs. Its market xenical dangerous already decreased considerably," said Keith Ayoob, a registered dietician and director of the nutrition clinic at the Is xenical dangerous us R. Breakthrough Drug that Fizzled Xenical dangerousXenical, sold by prescription, was touted dangerous a breakthrough weight-loss drug.

Drugs Continue reading Fat Enzymes The drugs work by blocking absorption of about a third of certain protein enzymes is xenical is xenical dangerous us us enter the body. Ban Diet Drugs, Says Watchdog.

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