The ketogenic dietbenadryl referred to as the keto diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet. With a very low carbohydrate intake, the body can run on ketones from fat instead of glucose from carbs.
This leads to increased fat-burning and weight loss. However, as with any drastic dietary change, there can be keto unwanted side effects. Allergic reactions keto side effects of the keto diet may keto brain fog, fatigue, electrolyte imbalance, and even a keto rash.
Keto rash, often formally known as prurigo pigmentosais a rare, benadryl for condition of reactions keto skin characterized for allergic reactions a red, itchy rash around the trunk and neck. The keto rash is a type of dermatitis that can occur in anyone but is most common in Asian benadryl.
Most of the in-depth research on the subject has previously involved young Japanese women. Research on the link between the keto diet and prurigo pigmentosa is limited.
Researchers are still not entirely sure what causes keto reactions keto, but there are thought to be several associated conditions. With the keto diet, the goal is to be in ketosis.
In one case studyreactions keto year-old female was found to have developed the rash roughly a month after undergoing strict dietary changes. In a similar casea year-old male sought medical care after developing both the rash and accompanying symptoms of arthritis. It was revealed during treatment that he had been following an extremely low-carbohydrate diet for more than a year. According to a review of the relevant literature14 different people over the course of two is benadryl for allergic reactions keto had been in ketosis when diagnosed with prurigo pigmentosa.
There are also thought to be external factors that is benadryl for allergic reactions keto aggravate the keto rash. These include things such as sunlight and excessive heat, sweating, friction and skin trauma, and allergens. If you believe that a recent change to your diet is the cause of your here, you may want to consider reintroducing carbohydrates. One case study mentioned for allergic found that incorporating carbs back into the diet, along with anti-inflammatory medication, significantly improved rash symptoms.
Deficiencies in vitamin Avitamin Band vitamin C have been linked with both acute and chronic skin conditions. The keto diet places an emphasis on low-carb, high-fat foods. Reactions keto of the most common foods to eat on the ketogenic diet are eggs, dairy, fish, is benadryl for allergic reactions keto nuts and seeds, to name a few.
Coincidentally, many of these foods also happen to be on the list of common food allergens.
Most keto-related side effects are straightforward and easy to remedy. Despite its unsightly appearance and irritating itchiness, this rash is not dangerous at all.
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