Gasex is an Ayurvedic patent and proprietary product from Himalaya Drug Company. This himalaya gasex dosage gastritis is useful in treating digestive himalaya gasex dosage gastritis and especially the abdominal gas issue.
Gasex has gastrokinetic and himalaya gasex dosage gastritis activities. Gastrokinetic, or prokinetic, is a medicine that enhances gastrointestinal motility by increasing the frequency of contractions in the small intestine or making them stronger, but without disrupting their rhythm.
Gastroprotective is a medicine that protects gastric mucosal click himalaya gasex dosage gastritis see more through mechanisms unrelated to inhibition of acid secretion. It also possess prebiotic, antiflatulent and antacid, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, cholagogue and membrane-modulating, antimicrobial, and antioxidant actions.
This medicine himalaya gasex dosage gastritis indicated in indigestion, flatulence, belching, fullness of abdomen, bloated sensation, aerophagia condition of excessive air swallowing, which goes himalaya gasex dosage the stomacheructation and upper abdominal pain. Gastritis Aconitum palmatum Syn.
Prepared in the juices and decoctions of Mentha arvensis, Moringa pterygosperma, Carica papaya, Citrus lemon etc. Himalaya gasex dosage gastritis Gasex is useful in expelling trapped gas, relieving flatulence and eructation, himalaya gasex dosage gastritis abdominal distension and releasing gas in the epigastric region and stopping heartburn and correcting hyperacidity.
It himalaya gasex dosage gastritis carminative and antispasmodic actions that support the digestive function. In case of chronic digestive malfunction, prolonged use of medicine gives relief.
Take 2 to 3 tablets of Gasex two to three times a day after meals. The medicine can be continued for a period of 2 to 8 weeks if required.
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What else can we provide? Himalaya Gasex Syrup may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
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