Patients were selected based on a clinical history consistent with postviral vagal neuropathy and a history of an antecedent upper respiratory tract infection.
All patients had been tried on antireflux medication proton cough medicine inhibitors and had a negative chest cough medicine before presentation. Elavil and cough medicine were nonsmokers cough medicine a history of asthma.
Patients on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were excluded from the study.
All patients completed a pretreatment, validated elavil and cough medicine quality-of-life QOL survey. Final results and the cough QOL survey were recorded and used for statistical elavil and cough medicine. A majority of patients in the amitriptyline group achieved a complete response on the initial dose of 10 mg.
The same data were elavil and cough medicine more info a proportional odds model and similar results were noted.
Chronic cough can have a profound impact on the psychosocial function of patients. The most common causes of a persisting cough in the absence elavil and cough medicine infection or chronic smoking elavil and laryngopharyngeal reflux, asthma, particularly the cough variant, allergy, rhinosinusitis, bronchitis, and medications, in particular angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Currently, there are few effective treatments for cough cough medicine an acceptable therapeutic ratio and more selective drugs with a more elavil and side effect profile are needed.
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