Does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant

Diflucan is a great medication for banishing pesky yeast infections. But, is it safe to use while pregnant? Learn why you should probably steer clear of this medication and other safer ways to treat yeast infections during pregnancy.

Diflucan, also known as fluconazole, is an continue reading antifungal medication often prescribed to women suffering from vaginal yeast infections. However, things have recently changed.

A study conducted in Denmark of pregnant women taking oral fluconazole found that high daily doses to mg resulted in birth defects and other abnormalities.

Does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant

The FDA is still reviewing Diflucan to determine if work for yeast birth defects are associated with a single, low mg infection while of the medication. Pregnant, since the jury is still out on this, the FDA is strongly advising doctors to be cautious when considering prescribing it for their pregnant patients. And, the CDC recommends that /celebrex-tablet-obat-apa.html women completely stay away from it all together and use only topical yeast infection treatments, like Monistat, even if does diflucan infection is recurrent.

Diflucan Can Cause Miscarriages

Prescription drugs are all assigned a "pregnancy category" which identifies fetal risk during pregnancy, with "A" being no observable risk and "D" and "X" indicating high fetal risk. All doses of Diflucan used to be considered pregnancy Category C does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant. Inthe pregnancy risk categories for drugs was officially see more from letters to more meaningful descriptions, but fluconazole may still be labeled with a letter category, since the labeling change is being phased in gradually.

The FDA has since changed higher doses of fluconazole to Category D, which means there is evidence of human fetal risk based on human data.

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy

It still remains in Category C. But, the CDC is still does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant recommending doctors avoid it and have their patients use topical yeast infection treatments does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant. Yeast infections are common during pregnancy, especially during the second does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant, because of all the hormonal changes your body goes through.

The CDC recommends the following two topical yeast infection products:. Both miconazole and clotrimazole are topical antifungal medications and come in vaginal cream or suppository versions that are inserted into the vagina.

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

They each also offer different regimen options varying by day. So, does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant for the seven-day product instead of the one-day or three-day versions.

Does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant

There are other does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant creams and suppositories check this out on the market, like butoconazole Femstat and terconazole Terazol.

So, if you are interested in trying one, check with your doctor beforehand. Your OB will want to confirm you do in fact have a yeast infection and not something else before you begin any treatment. Kyle Therese Cranston is a freelance writer and editor. Follow us email facebook does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant instagram Google Plus youTube rss.

Can You Take Diflucan While Pregnant?

By Kyle Therese Cranston. Tip Inthe pregnancy risk categories for drugs was officially changed from letters to more meaningful descriptions, but fluconazole may still be labeled with a letter category, since the labeling change is being phased in gradually.

References American Pregnancy Association: Use of long-term, high-dose Diflucan does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant during pregnancy may be associated with birth defects in infants Mayo Clinic: Yeast infection during pregnancy: Are over-the-counter treatments OK?

Yeast Infections During Pregnancy Drugs. Taking Unisom While Pregnant: What You Need to Know. Taking Benadryl During Pregnancy: Is Mucinex Safe During Pregnancy?

Does diflucan work for yeast infection while pregnant

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Food and Drug Administration FDA is currently reviewing a Danish study that indicates popular yeast infection drug Diflucan can cause miscarriages. While reviewing the Danish study and other data, the FDA is urging healthcare providers to be cautious when prescribing Diflucan, or its generic alternative fluconazole, during pregnancy. Healthcare providers and patients are also urged to report any adverse events that may occur while taking Diflucan, or shortly thereafter.

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You can safely treat a yeast infection during pregnancy with various over-the-counter antifungal vaginal creams or suppositories. However, it's best to confirm with your health care provider that your symptoms are actually due to a yeast infection before starting treatment.

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