Diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate

Over-the-counter sleep aids might help temporarily — but lifestyle changes are usually the best approach for chronic insomnia.

Diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate

You've followed the usual tips for getting enough sleep — sleeping on a regular schedule, avoiding caffeine diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate daytime naps, exercising regularly, avoiding lighted screens before bed, and /buy-hoodia-diet-pills-no-period.html stress.

Still, it's been click and a good night's sleep remains elusive.

Is it time for an over-the-counter sleep aid? Click diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate you need to know if you're considering medication to help you diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate. Over-the-counter sleep aids can be effective benadryl citrate an occasional sleepless night.

There are a few caveats, however. Most over-the-counter sleep aids contain antihistamines.

Antihistamine OTC Sleep Aids

Tolerance to the sedative effects of antihistamines can develop quickly — so the longer you take them, the diphenhydramine hcl likely they are to make you sleepy. In addition, some over-the-counter benadryl citrate aids can leave you feeling groggy and unwell the next day.

This is the so-called hangover effect. Medication interactions are possible as well, and much remains unknown about the safety and effectiveness of over-the-counter sleep aids.

Over-the-counter sleep aids are widely available. Common choices and the potential side effects include:. Store brands containing the same active ingredients diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate brand-name sleep aids are benadryl citrate available, too.

Store brands have the same risks and benefits as their brand-name counterparts, often at a more reasonable cost.

Diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate

Everyone benefits from a good night's sleep. Diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate you continue to have trouble sleeping, talk to diphenhydramine hcl doctor. In addition to lifestyle changes, he or she might recommend behavior therapy to diphenhydramine hcl vs benadryl citrate benadryl citrate learn new sleep habits and ways to make your sleeping environment more conducive to sleep.

In some cases, short-term use of prescription sleep aids might be recommended as well. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products.

Sleep aids: Understand over-the-counter options - Mayo Clinic

Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. A single copy of these materials may be benadryl citrate for noncommercial personal use diphenhydramine hcl. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: This check this out does not have an English version.

This content does not have an Arabic version. Healthy Lifestyle Adult health. Free E-newsletter /ashwagandha-for-immune-system-work.html to Housecall Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics. Understand over-the-counter options Trouble sleeping? Benadryl citrate Mayo Clinic Staff.

References Diphenhydramine benadryl citrate vs benadryl citrate MH, et al. Treatment of insomnia in adults. Schroeck JL, et al. Review of safety and efficacy of sleep medicines in older adults.

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