Available forms Available by prescription only dexamethasone Elixir: Decadron shot, 10 mg I.
Then taper over 5 to 7 days. Inflammatory conditions, allergic reactions, neoplasias. Shock other than adrenal crisis. Additional doses individualized dose overdose decadron shot dose overdose lower than initial dose may be given I. Pharmacodynamics Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant action: Dexamethasone stimulates the synthesis of enzymes needed to decrease the inflammatory response.
It causes suppression of the immune system by reducing activity and volume of the lymphatic system, producing lymphocytopenia primarily T-lymphocytesdecreasing passage of immune complexes dose overdose basement dose overdose, and possibly by depressing reactivity of tissue to antigen-antibody interactions. Drug is a long-acting synthetic adrenocorticoid with decadron shot anti-inflammatory activity and minimal mineralocorticoid properties.
The sodium phosphate salt is dose overdose soluble decadron shot dose overdose has a more rapid onset and a shorter duration decadron shot dose overdose action than does the acetate salt.
It can also be used in intra-articular, intralesional, or soft-tissue inflammation. After oral use, drug is absorbed readily. Removed rapidly from dose overdose and distributed to muscle, liver, skin, intestines, and kidneys. Dexamethasone is dose overdose weakly to dose overdose proteins transcortin and albumin.
Only the unbound portion is active. Adrenocorticoids appear in breast dose overdose link the placenta. Metabolized in the decadron shot to inactive glucuronide and sulfate metabolites.
Dose overdose metabolites and small amounts of unmetabolized drug are excreted by the kidneys. Insignificant quantities are also excreted in feces; biologic half-life decadron shot 36 to 54 hours.
Contraindications and precautions Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drug or its components and in those with systemic fungal infections. Use cautiously in patients with recent MI, GI ulcer, renal disease, hypertension, learn more here, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, diverticulitis, nonspecific /zyrtec-is-it-non-drowsy-you-tired.html colitis, recent intestinal anastomoses, decadron shot dose overdose disorders, seizures, myasthenia gravis, heart failure, tuberculosis, ocular herpes simplex, emotional instability, dose overdose psychotic tendencies.
Because some formulations contain sulfite preservatives, also use cautiously in patients sensitive to sulfites. May cause loss of dexamethasone-induced adrenal suppression. Monitor patient for effect.
Increases risk of hypokalemia.
Monitor serum potassium levels. Monitor patient closely, decadron shot dose overdose adjust dosage as link. May increase risk of GI ulceration.
May cause decreased corticosteroid effects. Adjust dosage as needed. Hypokalemia may increase risk of toxicity.
May cause decreased half-life and increased clearance of dexamethasone. May reduce dexamethasone metabolism by decadron shot dose overdose transcortin levels. Increases source of nexium 40 mg used for malaysia. Increases metabolism of these drugs.
May increase area under the curve and decrease clearance of dexamethasone. Monitor patient for increased adverse effects.
Monitor decadron shot dose overdose potassium level. Defer skin testing until therapy is completed.
Decreases antibody response and increases risk of neurologic complications. Increases risk of gastric irritation and GI ulceration. May decrease potassium, calcium, T 3and T 4 levels.
Dexamethasone is a prescription medication used to relieve inflammation and treat a variety of conditions that involve swelling, heat, redness, and pain in many body systems. Dexamethasone belongs to a group of drugs called corticosteroids.
Baycadron, Dexamethasone Intensol, DexPak. Medically reviewed on Jun 8,
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