Clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess

Bacterial Lung Abscess

Clindamycin is clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess semisynthetic derivative of lincomycin belonging to the lincosamide group of antimicrobials. It is active against most aerobic Grampositive cocci, including staphylococci and Streptococcus pneumoniaeas well as several anaerobic Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms.

Clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess

Following intramuscular or intravenous administration, clindamycin is rapidly hydrolysed and distributed into all tissues except clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess cerebrospinal fluid. The plasma half-life is 2 - 3 hours in adults and children with normal renal function but is prolonged in patients with renal disease. The drug clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess excreted in the urine. In some cases, especially in adults, repeated lung abscess or surgical washout of the joint may also be necessary.


Clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess

If clinically important or persistent diarrhoea occurs, treatment should be immediately discontinued. Safe use in pregnancy has clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess been established. Clindamycin should be used only when the need of the mother outweighs the risk of harm to the fetus.

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain are the most common adverse effects. Rarely, /pristiq-for-migraine-prevention.html clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess colitis due to Clostridium difficile occurs.

Penicillin or Clindamycin for Primary Lung Abscess?

When this is clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess tablet dose, treatment should be immediately discontinued. Drugs used in Bacterial Infections ; pages Table of Contents. Clindamycin readily crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk. Upper lung abscess tract infections.

Nasopharyngitis, rhinitis and common cold. Lower respiratory tract infections.

Clindamycin Dosage Guide with Precautions -

Other respiratory tract infections. Perioral and dental infections. Gingival infections and periodontitis. Tooth abscesses and suppurative odontogenic infections.

Clindamycin Dosage

Urinary tract infections in women. Urinary tract infections in men. Urinary tract infections in children. Skin and soft tissue infections. Localized purulent skin lesions. Contaminated soft tissue injuries.

Bacterial Lung Abscess

Human and animal bites and clenched-fist injuries. Bone and joint infections. Central nervous system infections. Drugs for details of clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess, etc.

Clindamycin tablet dose lung abscess

General information Clindamycin is a semisynthetic derivative of lincomycin belonging to the lincosamide group of antimicrobials.

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History of subacute to chronic symptoms weeks to months , including weight loss, night sweats, putrid sputum, hemoptysis, and clubbing. A bacterial lung abscess is a localized area of suppuration of lung tissue leading to parenchymal destruction. Cavitating pneumonia commonly from Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, or Klebsiella pneumoniae.

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Penicillin is generally regarded as the preferred drug for treatment of anaerobic lung abscess. This consensus is reflected in recent authoritative texts dealing with internal medicine 1 , infectious diseases 2 , chemotherapy 3 , and pulmonary disease 4. Notwithstanding such conventional wisdom, in this issue Levison and associates 5 present data suggesting that clindamycin therapy is superior.

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