Dear JillG15 - as a child of age 8, I went thru a stage of literally pulling my hair out, one by one, by the root.
This was 40 yrs ago and not much learn more here known about it. After creating a very noticeable bald spot about the size of a saucer, so it was VERY citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania on the top of my head, my mother took me to peds doc. He asked click why Citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania doing it and I didn't know.
I was told to come back next week, and if I was still doing it, he was going to shave my head.
Then, no meds, no therapy, just threats. I got to the point I only had hair on the sides, and as a young girl, other kids were cruel.
Citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania remember going back to doc, my parents didn't have much, citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania, at some point I stopped. Have to admit this is one thing NONE of my doctors have trichotillomania known about.
I have no doubt it is very different in todays world. I color my hair now and have since 25yrs old as click then I was not grey headed, It was solid white.
I feel quite certain the repeated pulling did something to the part that determines hair color. I take citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania lot of meds for pain, anxiety, depression and maintenance drugs for other medical problems. I just had to write to you because I know how it is to pull your hair out.
As a kid I citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania to extremes, but dont remember feeling bad in any signifigant way. As an adult, I have done this on a smaller basis, usually due to a difficult situation, but citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania very careful to stop at a few. Years have gone by with no pulling, and when it pops up, I am very aware of what I am doing, and can make myself citalopram headache treatment of trichotillomania. No more bald spots for me.
I hear that Celxa is used for many things, but, would think most docs would want you to talk to a therapist to get to the root of the problem, and advise meds based on the info he gets from you. Citalopram headache treatment Celexa been offered, trichotillomania are you just thinking it might help??
What Is Citalopram Celexa? Citalopram Pictures Celexa 40 mg, white, elliptical, film coated.
Research on treatment of trichotillomania is limited. However, some treatment options have helped many people reduce their hair pulling or stop entirely. Therapies that help with other mental health disorders often associated with trichotillomania, such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse, can be an important part of treatment.
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