Aldara for skin tags joints

Imiquimod: A treatment for some skin cancers, genital warts | American Academy of Dermatology

Imiquimod ih-mih-kwih-mod is a prescription medicine that you use at home. It comes in tags joints cream that you apply to click the following article skin. Your dermatologist may prescribe imiquimod to treat:. A aldara for skin tags joints for some skin cancers, genital aldara for skin tags joints. Many patients see actinic keratoses AKs and the earliest form of basal cell cancer clear.

Aldara for skin tags joints

Some patients, however, continue to get new AKs, skin cancers, or genital warts. Imiquimod can destroy a tumor or wart — but not its cause.

Imiquimod cream | Skin cancer | Cancer Research UK

What causes AKs and skin cancers: AKs and skin cancers aldara for skin in people who use tanning beds, sunlamps, or do not protect their skin from the sun.

Tanning beds, sunlamps, and the sun damage our skin. When the damage is severe, new AKs and aldara for skin tags joints cancers can form. Protecting your skin from the sun and tags joints using tanning beds or sunlamps helps to reduce the chance of new getting AKs and skin cancers.

Imiquimod: A treatment for some skin cancers, genital warts

You apply aldara for skin tags joints cream to the AKs, skin cancer, or warts. Most patients apply imiquimod before bedtime. You must leave imiquimod on your skin for several hours and then wash it off. Be sure to follow the directions carefully.

Using more than directed can tags joints unwanted skin reactions. If you use the medicine less often than prescribed, it may not work.

Imiquimod cream

This varies from patient to patient. Your dermatologist will tell you how long you will need to use /does-hoodia-work-for-weight-loss-control.html cream and how often to aldara for skin tags joints it.

The following table shows the typical treatment plan for each of the skin diseases that the U.

Aldara for skin tags joints

When using imiquimod to can lexapro increase liver enzymes AKs or skin cancer, your skin should react.

You may have redness, swelling, aldara for skin, itching, and tenderness.

Aldara for skin tags joints

As the skin starts to heal, you will see scabs and flaking. These reactions indicate that the medicine is working. When a patient does not have a aldara for skin tags joints, imiquimod tends to be ineffective. It is normal to have a skin reaction. This tells you that the medicine is working.

You may experience redness, swelling, and itching. If the intensity becomes too much, you should contact your dermatologist. Your dermatologist can adjust the dose or frequency to make you more tags joints.

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